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My SLUG Library submission: TeX for 7.2

    Date: Tue, 10 May 88 22:58 EDT
    From:     CJL@REAGAN.AI.MIT.EDU (Chris Lindblad)

    I was really hoping that my 7.2 TeX submission would get to you in time for
    copies to be made before SLUG 1988, but it doesn't look good.  I sent in a
    description to Brad Goldstein at Symbolics four weeks ago, to get consent for
    the Symbolics code in it, but I have heard nothing from Brad since then.  I
    didn't expect it to take this long.  

In order to expedite this process and to facilitate the distribution of
future applications that utilize Symbolics runtime systems, Symbolics
will donate a copy of the Pascal Runtime System to the SLUG library.
This submission will contain up to date Symbolics patches to Pascal
Runtime.  Therefore, distributing the patches submitted by CJL will not
be necessary.

When future applications are submitted to SLUG that require alternate
runtime systems (ie. FORTRAN, C), Symbolics will submit those as well.

    The 7.1 TeX submission doesn't work in 7.2.  I would bet that the 7.2 TeX
    would be real popular at SLUG.  It is self contained in that it includes the
    required pascal runtime support to use it, which is a significant feature, but
    also the reason why you don't have it yet.  Is there some way that you can
    nudge Symbolics to sign off in a timely manner so that we can get tapes made
    in time?  Or is it already too late?

If necessary, Symbolics will assist here as well.

    For your information, here's a brief description of the contents of the
    submission.  The only Symbolics Copyright code is that involved in the Pascal
    Runtime support.  

	    System			Description
    Tape 1:
	    TeX-Doc			Documention describing this TeX distribution.
	    TeX-SCT			Definitions needed for SCT
	    TeX-DVI			DVI previewer and hardcopy support.
	    TeX-Common		Code common to all versions of TeX
	    COMPILER-TOOLS-PACKAGE	Symbolics Pascal Runtime Support
	    COMPILER-TOOLS-RUNTIME	Symbolics Pascal Runtime Support
	    PASCAL-PACKAGE		Symbolics Pascal Runtime Support
	    SYNTAX-EDITOR-RUNTIME	Symbolics Pascal Runtime Support
	    PASCAL-RUNTIME		Symbolics Pascal Runtime Support
	    TeX-Pascal-Runtime	Some Patches to Pascal Runtime Support
	    INITeX			Used for compiling new preloaded TeX formats
	    VIRTeX			Used for preloading TeX formats
	    TeX			Plain TeX
	    LaTeX			LaTeX
	    SliTeX			SliTeX
	    BibTeX			BibTeX
	    YTeX*			A TeX macro package popular at the MIT AI lab
	    TFtoPL*			TFtoPL
	    PLtoTF*			PLtoTF
	    LPD*			User end of UNIX lpd printer protocol
				    Facilitates spooling to printers on UNIX machines.
	    QUIC*			Hardcopy support for QMS QUIC printers
				    The Symbolics LGP1 fonts are required to use this system.
	    IMPRESS*		Hardcopy support for Imagen ImPress printers
				    The Symbolics LGP1 fonts are required to use this system.
	    GFfonts-80DPI		Screen resolution fonts for DVI previewer.
    Tape 2:
	    GFfonts-300DPI*		Fonts for LGP2 and other 300DPI (Dots Per Inch) printers
	    GFfonts-240DPI*		Fonts for LGP1 and other 240DPI printers
    Tape 3:
	    GFfonts-Xerox-300DPI*	Fonts for Xerox 2700 and other 300DPI write-white printers,
				    including the QMS PS-2400 and Imagen 24/300

    Systems marked with * are optional and don't have to be loaded off the tape.
    I would expect most people to want a copy of tapes 1 and 2, and very few
    people to want a copy of tape 3.