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SLUG '88 - General Sessions Schedule (as of May 11)

                              Conference Program
                             (as of May 11, 1988)

                               The Fourth Annual
                             International Meeting
                                    of the
                          Symbolics LISP Users' Group

                                   SLUG '88

                                June 8, 9 & 10
                          University of Pennsylvania

                              WEDNESDAY 8th June
                                Plenary Session

8:00 - 17:00  Registration Desk Open (Nursing Education Building)

8:30   Informal Discussion over coffee
9:10   Welcome Address: Richard Billington
                      Organization Chair, SLUG '88
9:25   State of SLUG: Paul Pangaro
                      President, National SLUG-US &
                      Program Chair, SLUG '88
9:40   Library Status: Mac Michaels, SLUG-US Librarian
9:55   Newsletter
10:05  DIALnet: Michael Haag, Symbolics
10:15  General Questions on Users' Group Issues
10:30  BREAK with Refreshments
11:00  Issues Session: Defining users concerns in a structured discussion
       for response from Symbolics and future actions on the part of the Group.
12:00  Informal Discussion
12:30  LUNCH
14:00  State of Symbolics: Ron Derry, President and CEO, Symbolics
14:30  Product Review:  Scott Garren, Symbolics
15:10  Symbolics Customer Services: Alan Alters
                      Director of Symbolics Customer Services
15:30  BREAK

                               Parallel Sessions

16:00 - 17:00 DIALnet: How to set it up and run it, and access the
                     National and International Network.
                     Michael Haag, Symbolics
16:00 - 17:30 International Symbolics Users' Groups: Activities and Inter-commu
                     Chair: Makoto Magao, Chair, SLUG-Japan
                     Speakers: Kazuo Hashimoto, Haruyo Nogami; SLUG-Japan
                     <others from UK, Canada...>

16:00 - 17:30 Genera 7 Advanced Dynamic Windows: Presentation Substrate,
              Accepting Values, Program Framework
                     Chair: <to be announced>
                     Panel: Dennis Doughty & Scott McKay, Symbolics
                     Tom Reddington, Bell Labs
                     Rusty Johnson, Gould ISL

                           WEDNESDAY 8th June con't.
                              Plenary Activities

17:30  Informal Discussion & Demos
17:30  Joint International/SLUG-US Board Discussion
18:00  DINNER
19:30  Birds-of-a-Feather:
                      1- Intimate Critique of Genera Features
                      2- Joshua On-Line Demo
                      3- Concordia On-Line Demo
                      4- (others as suggested at the conference)


                               THURSDAY 9th June
                                Plenary Session

8:00 - 9:00 Registration Desk Open (Nursing Education Building)

8:45   Informal Discussion over coffee
9:10   Symbolics Products: Details and Demos:
                      Extensions to Genera
                      * Joshua: Steve Rowley
                      * Concordia: Dennis Doughty
                      * Statice: Dan Weinreb
                      * CLOE and Ivory: Howard Cannon
10:30  BREAK
10:50  Symbolics Products (cont'd)
12:00  Informal Discussion & Demos
12:30  LUNCH

13:00 - 14:00 Registration Desk Open (Nursing Education Building)

14:00  Issues Response: Symbolics Panel
                      Alan Alters
                      Scott Garren
                      Dave Stryker
                      Howard Cannon
15:00  BREAK

                               Parallel Sessions

15:30 - 17:30 SLUG-Japan Activities: Technical Presentation & Demos

                     Natural Language Processing and Pattern Recognition:
                     Jun-ichi Nakamura, KYOTO UNIVERSITY

                     Association-based Parser (ASP) for a Speech Understanding 
                     Masahiro HORI, Osaka University

                     A Knowledge Representation System, "Uranus":
                     A Logic Programming Language on Lisp Environment:
                     Hideyuki Nakashima, Electrotechnical Laboratory

                           THURSDAY 9th June con't.
                               Parallel Sessions

15:30 - 16:25 Genera 7 User Interface Concepts
                     Dennis Doughty, Symbolics

15:30 - 16:25 Porting Code: XWINDOWS et al
                     Chair: Bill York, International LISP Associates

16:35 - 17:30 Networks
                     Chair: Dave Plummer, Symbolics

                     Symbolics, LANs and Real-Time on networks:
                     Jim Dumoulin, NASA Kennedy Space Center

                              Plenary Activities

17:30  Informal Discussions & Demos
17:30  SLUG-US Board Meeting
18:00  DINNER
19:00  Bird-of-a-Feather
20:00  Evening's Entertainments (Houston Hall - Bodeck Lounge)


                               FRIDAY 10th June
                                Plenary Session

8:00 - 9:00 Registration Desk Open (Nursing Education Building)

9:00   Informal Discussion over coffee
9:20   Wrap-up and Attendees Vote for Board
9:35   "Hopes & Dreams" responses by Symbolics: Scott McKay, Dennis Doughty,
                      Dan Weinreb
10:15  BREAK
10:30  Graphics Applications: Demo Tape, Introduced by Andy Kopra,
                      Symbolics Graphics Division

                               Parallel Sessions

10:50 - 12:00 Graphics Users: How it was done with S-Products
                     Chair: Ron Sabbatino
                     Speakers:  Andy Kopra, Symbolics Graphics Division
                     Jed Schwartz, Mark Scapporo, others

10:50 - 12:00 Genera 7.2: Introduction & Features.
              Scott McKay & Johanna Rothman, Symbolics

10:50 - 11:25 Consulting Services Case Studies: John Parker, Symbolics
11:30 - 12:00 Symbolics "C": Donald Sakahara, Symbolics

12:00         Informal Discussions & Posting of Vote Results
12:30         LUNCH
14:00 - 15:30 Beyond Object-Oriented Programming
                     Chair: Steve Anthony
                     Speakers: Rusty Johnson

15:30         End of Conference

Symbolics  has  promised a number of machines, including 3620s, a 3630, a 3653,
and a color 3650; also a color projector. These will be used for the  tutorials
by  Education Services on Monday & Tuesday, any demos during presentations, and
for use during free time for informal demos etc.  If you have hacks your  proud
of,  code  you're  going  to submit to the library that you'd like to demoVideo
projector to be used during main sessions for Symbolics  projection,  and  demo
reel of S-Products.

"Informal Discussion" as noted above is the opportunity to informally chat with
other attendees, look at software and machine demos, or wander off early for  a
meal at a reasonable pace. This additional free time to mingle was requested by
attendees to previous SLUG conferences.

All meals are "on own" and there are many local establishments nearby.  Tuesday
evening is a reception by Symbolics before dinner, and Thursday evening holds a
conference reception after dinner.

The tuesday evening reception is sponsored by Symbolics and is for conference
attendees. Others should ask Symbolics (the host) for invitations.