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re: RDP request
This is a response to a bboard request from a couple of months ago.
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: USER; Base: 10 -*-
;;; The folloing is an example of using datagrams on the Symbolics. It
;;; does nothing usefull, but it works.
;;; Disclaimer - The following example was derived by trial and error.
;;; There are possibly better ways to solve the problem, but I could not
;;; find them documented anywhere (I did an exhaustive, 15 minute
;;; search)!
;;; D,#TD1PsT[Begin using 006 escapes](1 0 (NIL 0) (NIL :BOLD NIL) "CPTFONTCB")Step 1)(2 0 (NIL 0) (NIL NIL NIL) "CPTFONT") 1Define server (will handle server-side operations)
(net:define-server (3 0 (NIL 0) (NIL :ITALIC NIL) "CPTFONTI"):protocol-name
2 (:medium :datagram
:error-disposition :debugger
:who-line t
:request-array (msg-array start end))
(3server-function 2msg-array start end))
;;; 1Step 2) Define protocol (client side operations)
(net:define-protocol 3:protocol-name
2 (3:service-name 2:datagram)
(:invoke (service-access-path)
(3client-function 2service-access-path)))
;;; 1Step 3) Link protocol to specific port
;;; Note - Symbolics will not allow UDP ports >= 1024. If you want to
;;; talk to a UNIX system (which only allows port #s >= 1204) you will
;;; have to edit two methods: (:receive-ip-packet udp-protocol) and
;;; (:gensym-udp-port udp-protocol) in >rel-7>ip-tcp>udp.lisp to allow
;;; the higher port number. (I'm sure these changes are not sanctioned
;;; by Symbolics, so proceed at your own risk). Also, the Symbolics has
;;; a hard limit on UDP packet size. I believe it is 1468 bytes of data
;;; (the header fills the rest). This fact is not documented anywhere I
;;; could find and caused me a lot of heartache.
(defconstant SERVICE-PORT 1000)
(tcp:add-udp-port-for-protocol 3:protocol-name 2SERVICE-PORT)
(tcp::patch-udp-port SERVICE-PORT)
;;; 1step 4) Add service to namespace using namespace editor
;;; Service: (4 0 (NIL 0) (NIL :BOLD-ITALIC NIL) "CPTFONTBI")Set: 3service-name 2UDP3 protocol-name
(defvar *buffer-stack* nil)
(defun server-function (array start end)
(let ((buffer (make-array (- end start))))
(copy-array-portion array start end buffer 0 (- end start))
(push buffer *buffer-stack*)
(values t 0)))
(defun client-function (service-access-path)
(let* ((args (neti:service-access-path-args service-access-path))
(message (car args))
(conn (net:get-connection-for-service
:rfc-text message
:future-p t)))
(when conn
(send conn :close :abort))
(net:define-protocol 3:protocol-name
2 (3:service-name2 :local)
(:invoke (service-access-path)
(3local-client-function 2service-access-path)))
(defun local-client-function (service-access-path)
(let* ((array (car (neti:service-access-path-args service-access-path)))
(start 0)
(end (length array)))
(server-function array start end)))