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Weird TCP/IP bug?
- To: "J. Scott Penberthy" <JSP@ibm.com>
- Subject: Weird TCP/IP bug?
- From: Barry Margolin <barmar@THINK.COM>
- Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 21:13:00 EDT
- Character-type-mappings: (1 0 (NIL 0) (:SWISS :ROMAN :NORMAL) "HL12")
- Fonts: CPTFONT, HL12
- In-reply-to: <19880720220048.3.JSP@ESCHER>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 88 18:00 EDT
From: JSP@ibm.com (J. Scott Penberthy)
1 I hacked a little server last night using the Release 7.2 version of
TCP/IP. I was getting ready to pull my hair out, because I kept getting
the "Host Foo Bar refused a request for SERVICE:PORT<-PROTOCOL" or
something like that. Here's what I did:
1) I defined a server for the PROSE service, and loaded it on
the "server" machine.
0 (net:define-server :prose (:medium :byte-stream-with-mark :stream in :host host)
(tv:noting-progress ((format nil "PROSE serving ~A" host))
(condition-case (err)
(prose-server in host)
(if *notify-on-prose-server-error*
(tv:notify nil "PROSE ended in error:~%~S" err)))))
(force-output in)
(close in)))
This is your error, not the DEFINE-PROTOCOL. The first argument to
DEFINE-SERVER is a protocol name, not a service name. When the call
came in on port 99 the TCP software went looking for a server for the
:REMOTE-PROSE protocol. Since you had never defined such a server, it
rejected the connection. It should be
(net:define-server :remote-prose ...
By the way, this has nothing to do with TCP/IP in particular. You would
have gotten the same error had you used Chaosnet or any other medium.