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Symbolics Screen to Mac Files

   Date: Tue, 27 Sep 88 08:34 EDT
   From: mkr@philabs.philips.com

    dan at Think.COM says:

     How about writing the symbolics screen into a postscript file, I'm sure
     that must be some postscript ==> macdraw program (or perhaps macdraw can
     read postscript files).

   I say:

     HEY!! Is there some built-in software that does this (that I am unaware of,
     obviously)??  I already wasted a Friday writing routines that turn multi-
     font files into postscript so they can be printed on "normal" printers...
     was I wasting my time, or what??



     | Michael Reed             (  Rest  )  !allegra----                  |
     | mkr@philabs.philips.com  (        )              \                 |
     | AI Department            (of known)  !steinmetz--->---!philabs!mkr |
     | Philips Laboratories     (        )              /                 |
     | (914) 945-6069           ( World  )  !rutgers----                  |

     Symbolics skates on Suns' head...

To get an postscript file do:

(hci::hardcopy-window <window> :printer '(:file <file> :lgp2))
