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Ivory board for VME bus - what about Sun?

    Date: Sat, 8 Oct 88 14:36 EDT
    From: barmar@Think.COM (Barry Margolin)
	Date: Sat, 8 Oct 88 00:03:26 EDT
	From: dbs@Think.COM (David B. Serafini)
	   Date: Fri, 7 Oct 88 20:42 EDT
	   From: DLA@jasper.scrc.symbolics.com (David L. Andre)
	       Date: Fri, 07 Oct 88 13:10:52 N
	       From: unido!sbsvax!ks%fb10vax.sbsvax@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM
	       Yesterday I attended a presentation of MacIvory given by German
	       Customer Service. Someone asked if there would be Ivory boards for
	       other computer systems than the MAC and one of the salespersons
	       answered that Symbolics is developing a VME-Bus version of Ivory
	       which would be available in late December or so.
	       What I want to know now is, has anybody heard of such a thing? If so,
	       can someone give me more information on this topic? (What are the
	       intended target machines? How well will the LISP-System be integrated
	       with the operating system of the target machine? etc. etc.)

	   The XL-400 is a high-end Symbolics-label Ivory system based on the
	   VME-Bus, and it will be available for beta test in December.  Volume
	   shipments are scheduled for March.  Performance is approximately 2x that
	   of a 3650.  It is not embedded in any other host, but you can attach
	   most standard VME peripherals to it.

	   The XL-400 and MacIvory are the only Ivory products announced at this time.

	Is this the Sony workstation?  If not, where does the deal with Sony fit it
	to the Symbolics product stategy??


    The XL-400 is a standalone Lisp Machine, just like the 3600 series.  The
    major differences between the XL-400 and the 3600 are the use of the
    Ivory processor and the replacement of the Lbus with the VME bus.

    The only thing Symbolics has so far announced regarding Sony is that
    they provide service for it.  They haven't announced any products based
    on it yet.


Perhaps a more interesting question is when the Ivory VME board will be
supported in the Sun platform.  Does anyone know any of the particulars
about the Sun Ivory?  Which machine types will it work in (386i, Sun 2,
Sun 3, Sun 4)?  When will it be available? Etc.

Bob Kirk   