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are dynamic windows really 60X slower than old windows?!
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 89 16:45:45 EDT
From: cogen@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (David Cogen)
I measured the time to do draw 240 rectangles (with :DRAW-RECTANGLE) and 80
strings (with :DRAW-STRING) to a DW:DYNAMIC-WINDOW. It took 20 seconds!
Then I did the same thing to a TV:WINDOW. It took .35 seconds.
Could dynamic windows really be that slow? Surely not possible. I must be doing
something wrong. Is there a trick to bring graphics speed to a dynamic window to
at least within a factor of 2 of a static window?
I wasn't able to duplicate your results. If you don't care about output history,
the macro dw:with-output-recording-disabled may be of interest. Your mileage may vary.
(defun draw-it-dw ()
(let ((window (tv:make-window 'dw:dynamic-window :edges-from :mouse)))
(send window :expose)
(progn (loop repeat 240
do (send window :draw-rectangle 20 20 50 50))
(loop repeat 80
do (send window :draw-string "hi mom" 20 20))))))
(defun draw-it-dw-no-history ()
(let ((window (tv:make-window 'dw:dynamic-window :edges-from :mouse)))
(send window :expose)
(dw:with-output-recording-disabled (window)
(progn (loop repeat 240
do (send window :draw-rectangle 20 20 50 50))
(loop repeat 80
do (send window :draw-string "hi mom" 20 20)))))))
(defun draw-it-tv ()
(let ((window (tv:make-window 'tv:window :edges-from :mouse)))
(send window :expose)
(progn (loop repeat 240
do (send window :draw-rectangle 20 20 50 50))
(loop repeat 80
do (send window :draw-string "hi mom" 20 20))))))
(defun run-test ()
(format t "~%Data for DW~%")
(format t "~%Data for DW not recording history~%")
(format t "~%Data for TV~%")
-> (run-test)
Data for DW
Evaluation of (PROGN (LOOP REPEAT 240 DO #) (LOOP REPEAT 80 DO #)) took 1.325577 seconds of ela
psed time including:
0.014 seconds processing sequence breaks,
0.026 seconds in the storage system (including 0.000 seconds waiting for pages):
0.005 seconds processing 27 page faults including 0 fetches,
0.020 seconds in creating and destroying pages, and
0.000 seconds in miscellaneous storage system tasks.
1,840 list, 404 structure words consed in WORKING-STORAGE-AREA.
5,440 structure words consed in *PRESENTATION-AREA*.
Data for DW not recording history
(PROGN # #)) took 0.660203 seconds of elapsed time including:
0.008 seconds processing sequence breaks,
0.001 seconds in the storage system (including 0.000 seconds waiting for pages):
0.001 seconds processing 5 page faults including 0 fetches,
0.000 seconds in creating and destroying pages, and
0.000 seconds in miscellaneous storage system tasks.
Data for TV
Evaluation of (PROGN (LOOP REPEAT 240 DO #) (LOOP REPEAT 80 DO #)) took 0.397418 seconds of ela
psed time including:
0.005 seconds processing sequence breaks,
0.000 seconds in the storage system (including 0.000 seconds waiting for pages):
0.000 seconds processing 5 page faults including 0 fetches,
0.000 seconds in creating and destroying pages, and
0.000 seconds in miscellaneous storage system tasks.