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Sharing a LGP2 with Suns
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 89 08:31 CDT
From: dmitchell@backus.trc.amoco.com (Donald H. Mitchell)
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 89 17:08:39 CDT
From: dkirsche@shamash.cdc.com (Dan Kirschen - PLYOPS)
I imagine that the following question has already been discussed, but being
a recent addition to the slug mailing list, I need to ask it again.
We are going to add a series of Sun 3/50 and SGI 400 on the same Ethernet as
our Symbolics and would like to use the same laser printer. What's the best
solution and what do I need to implement it?
Sure the question has been asked and rather inadequately answered;
however, now that Symbolics has a Sun embed, maybe they'll have to
really address this question! I'd love to know the answer.
BTW: the std answer that I got but have not implemented is to get the
SLUG tape and Symbolics's LGP2 software. What I would like to know is
how a system that sells itself on being an integrated highly productive
development platform can be missing print software! It will sound real
funny to my management if I go to them and say, "remember that highly
integrated development system I bought that has the Lisp
interpreter/compiler/editor/inspector/debugger/etc all standard and all
working together, well it costs $2000 to get the software necessary to
print any of the stuff out. By the way, that's almost the cost of the
Lisp interpreter/compiler/editor/inspector/debugger/etc on the Sun and
the Sun includes the print software."
OUR Suns didn't come with LaserWriter support. We had to purchase
Transcript, which probably costs about the same as Symbolics's LGP2