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It's Alive

   Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 16:28 PDT
   From: Chucko@vermithrax.sch.symbolics.com (Charles R. Fry)

       Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 11:23:04 EST
       From: bouma@cs.purdue.edu

	   Why is it that when I make changes to the NAMESPACE some of the
       machines don't notice? For instance, one machine on the network went
       away, and we got another (unix machines), so I edited the namespace
       appropriately. But some of the machines still list that deleted machine
       as a dead connection in PEEK on NETWORK? Rebooting does not help, but
       Reset Network gets rid of it until the next time I reboot.

   As the Namespace Editor tells you when it finishes saving an object:
    Other servers and hosts will not get updates until they ask something of the
   Primary Server. 

   This is by design.  Changes to the namespace are not broadcast; at a large
   site like Symbolics or MIT, the constant barrage of changes would swamp the
   network.  To keep network traffic to a minimum, the namespace server only
   sends information in response to a query by another machine.  :Reset Network
   forces a namespace update by calling NETI:INITIALIZE-NAMESPACES-AND-NETWORK,
   which asks the server for a quick update.  This function is supposed to be
   called at cold and warm boot as well.

	   How is it that all the lisp machines know about the new machine I
       added, but some still think the one I deleted is out there? Is info
       cached in a world file overriding the present namespace? Does this
       behavior conform with the way the namespace works, or it is a local
       bug in our system?

   In part this is because the theory of deleting objects from the namespace has
   some loopholes, in part it's because there is a bug in the deletion code which
   leaves known deleted objects in a cache.  I am working on a solution to the
   latter problem.

	   A few days ago I logged into a freshly booted machine as 
       LISP-MACHINE. I then edited and attempted to save a file. Instead
       of saving the file, the machine writes, "Who are you really?"!

       Bill <bouma@cs.purdue.edu>  ||  ...!purdue!bouma 

   This is a feature; if you supply a user name, the operation proceeds.  The
   user name that you supply is not checked in any way.

   Logging in under any user ID with a type field of DAEMON in the namespace will
   cause this behavior.  It's intended to remind conscientious users to identify
   themselves when saving files (et al) under an alias.  Of course, there's
   nothing preventing less conscientious people from supplying another alias.

    -- Chuck Fry (Chucko@Riverside.SCRC.Symbolics.COM)
       Symbolics Software Support

Reminds me of the time I was showing Allan Wechsler
how to do backups at a lispm site, and he unabashedly answered the
"Person Running Dump:" prompt with "GOD".

         "The Traveller"         \ | /
________William R. Swanson________\|/_
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        (617)876-1111 x408       / | \