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Consulting Catalog

I haven't gotten any replies to this yet, so maybe it never successfully
made it out on the SLUG mailing list.  I'm trying again.


It seems to me that there are many potential or new Symbolics users
that need consulting and are not aware of the individual consultants

As users and consultants, a sub-group within SLUG feels that there is
much to be gained by knowing about each others' expertise, and that SLUG
can help market our services to those who need consulting.  The emphasis
is on cooperation in helping network about opportunities.  By improving
the consulting community's strength we breed confidence in our clients,
which helps Symbolics, which in turn helps us.

Therefore, I propose:

A SLUG Consulting Catalog!

This would be a catalog maintained by SLUG that keeps track of
consultants that are available.

It isn't clear whether we should impose criteria for being included:
track record, years with Symbolics machines, etc.  However, we must
insist on strong references, that maybe SLUG should check out first.  In
any event, we certainly need enough information in the listing so that a
potential client can have a good idea if the consultant can actually
perform as advertised.

Bios should include the following information:

1. Number years experience on Lisp Machines (Symbolics, TI, LMI, CADRS, etc).

2. Major Projects worked on.

3. Specialties (Prototyping, Graphics, System Internals, Porting, System Design etc).

4. Other Languages experience (C++ etc).

5. References from clients that would be willing to discuss your performance.

6. Educational Background.

7. Contact Information.

Let me know what you think and I will post a summary to the SLUG list.
It seems to me that this is an excellent activity for SLUG, in that it
helps both users and Symbolics.

Andrew L. Ressler