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Re: CLIM in Genera 8.0?

    Date: Mon, 29 Jan 90 18:25:55 EST
    From: tk@research.att.com

      Date: Mon, 15 Jan 90 14:33 EST
      From: Mark@ALDERAAN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (Mark Graffam)
      At the beginning of January I forwarded a press release from
      Franz, Inc. which announced their commitment to CLIM. At that 
      time I mentioned that Symbolics would released detailed 
      information on the "SYMBOLICS CLIM product" on January 26, 1990.
      We are still committed to this date. 
      I will answer your questions as best I can today, but I would like
      further questions to be held until we can document the plan for 
      everyone to read on the 26th. 

    Was this annoucement made? How about distributing it on SLUG?

A message was sent to the SLUG mailing list this morning.  I received it
around 11:20am EST.  It didn't say anything new, anyway.
