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SLUG Tapes Query

    Date: Fri, 2 Feb 90 17:31:41 EST

    CC: Malkin@yktvmh

Please note that all enquiries about sub-sets of SLUG interests should
be routed to the appropriate list. Here is the current set:

slug@ai.sri.com				Whole list of SLUG recipients
slug-board@ai.sri.com			Official Board, plus extended associates (e.g., treasurer, SLUG-Japan)
slug-board-only@ai.sri.com		Board members only
slug-president@ai.sri.com		President (or alternate if away from DIALnet)
slug-membership@ai.sri.com		National Membership Librarian
slug-treasurer@ai.sri.com		National Treasurer
slug-librarian@ai.sri.com			Librarian, for SLUG tape information
slug-liaison@ai.sri.com			Symbolics' liaison to SLUG
slug-liaison-international@ai.sri.com	Symbolics' liaison to international users
slug-dial@ai.sri.com			Discussion of DIALnet facilities to be implemented on users' behalf
						by Symbolics

slug-sig-ai@ai.sri.com			Special Interest Group in AI Products (Joshua/Concordia/Statice)
slug-shared-maint@ai.sri.com		Special Interest Group for users on shared maintenance, and other interested parties
slug-dialnet@ai.sri.com			Special Interest Group for DIALnet users
slug-chapters@ai.sri.com			Group leaders for "local" users groups internationally

slug-90-organization@ai.sri.com	Organization list for slug-90
slug-90@ai.sri.com				General list of individuals associated with slug-90

    SLUG-Bug,slug-dialnet (Not = to SLUG-DIAL ??), slug-chapters.

(As per the Internet convention, joining a list is done by sending
e-mail to list-name-request@foo.etc.com)

    I ordered all five of the SLUG tapes quite a while ago, but our
    purchasing department has had great trouble finding out
    exactly where to get these tapes.  I told them to
	  Symbolics Lisp User's Group
	  1430 Mass. Ave, Suite 306-108
	  Cambridge, MA 02138

    but they were unsucessful there.  Is there a new location
    to contact to get the SLUG tapes?

No, since all mail is routed from that address to the current SLUG
officers.  Fastest response is obtained by using the above lists, which
in this case would be:


I have forwarded this directly to her (Brittany McAlister of Mystech
Associates, Inc.) and am asking that she check on the order and reply.


Please let me know if you have any further problems or questions.

Paul Pangaro, President 
National Symbolics LISP Users' Group
Voice: 202-547-7775
FAX  : 202-547-6910