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How can I get CLIM

    Can somebody tell me where/how to get CLIM. I'm not even sure if it is a commercial
    product. At JPL, we have several applications running on Symbolics that we would like 
    to port to Suns running SPE with either X or NeWS (to be determined) as the underlying
    window system . CLIM sounds like the appropriate toolkit to use in re-coding our user 
    interfaces to make them machine independent. Am I on the right track? Also, what is the 
    difference between CLIM and CLUE? Any info is greatly appreciated.

To my knowledge, the only currently "available" CLIM is in beta-test
within CLOE (Symbolics software).  We have it but have had no time to
use it yet.  I hear that some other CLIM implementations (in Franz for
example) will be out later this year.  By the way, CLOE also has a CLtL
mode for those who want to port to a vanilla common lisp rather than the
Symbolics CLOE lisp on 386/486 PCs.