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Object Databases for Symbolics

Sorry to bother all of SLUG with this but I give up on
trying to slip something through on Dialnet.

    From:  <Postmaster@SLUG-EAST.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
    Subject:  Unable to deliver letter
    Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 10:07:00 EST

    Unable to deliver letter to the following recipient:
	No such mailbox at this host.

    ----- Text of letter follows -----
    To: pan@Athena.Pangaro.Dialnet.Symbolics.Com (Paul Pangaro)
    Subject: Object Databases for Symbolics 
    Date: Thu, 08 Feb 90 10:07:39 EST
    From: jwalker@crl.dec.com

    I know someone who tried using G-Base and eventually threw
    it out.  This was two years ago so the product may have
    changed a lot since then.  I don't know whether he has
    access to electronic mail or not.  Contact Peter van Sickel
    at Alcoa Technical Center 337-5926 (412).