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Call for Volunteers: Proceedings of SLUG-90

Date: Fri, 25 May 90 14:54 EDT
To: slug%ai.sri.com@vax.cam.nist.gov
Message-ID: <19900525185435.1.MILLER@ARTEMIS.cam.nist.gov>

Well so far, I've gotten ABSOLUTELY NO response to my call for
volunteers to submit summaries of the SLUG-90 sessions.

Is my mailer selectively sick?

It seems that  all the  active participants  on this  list, at least the
ones that answer as well as ask, are already chairing 1 or more sessions
at  SLUG  so   I  surely   dont  expect   them  to   take  on  any  more
responsibilities. Where are the rest of you?

Paul & Richard  (& barmar  & ...);  You've sure  gotten an  extra bit of
sympathy from me.
