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How do you override CLOS:PRINT-OBJECT?

I have an application that was written under Release 7.2 using Xerox's
Public domain CLOS (PCL - May Day version).  It's a Telemetry processing
system that uses thousands of CLOS objects of Class MEASUREMENT in our
package SPORT - (Smart Processing of Real Time Telemetry).  The system 
attempts to process and display them graphically.  To aid in debugging, 
we wanted to change the default PRINT-OBJECT method to print additional
name information utilizing a NAME slot in the object.  In PCL we were 
defining the method as follows: 

CLOS:(defmethod print-object ((m sport::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
  (format stream "#<~A-~A>"
	  (class-name (class-of m))
	  (sport::m-name m)))

When we attempted to port the code to Release 8.0, this method fails to
compile.  I've tried different variations but nothing seems to work. 

;;; Gets you Error - Attempt to access not existent symbol CLOS:M
CLOS:(defmethod print-object ((m sport::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
  (format stream "#<~A-~A>"
	  (class-name (class-of m))
	  (sport::m-name m)))

;;; Gets you Error - Lambda lists arn't congruent
(CLOS:defmethod CLOS:print-object ((m SPORT::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
  (format stream "#<~A-~A>"
	  (CLOS:class-name (CLOS:class-of m))
	  (sport::m-name m)))

;;; compiles but isn't called when the object attempts to print itself
(CLOS:defmethod print-object ((m SPORT::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
  (format stream "#<~A-~A>"
	  (CLOS:class-name (CLOS:class-of m))
	  (sport::m-name m)))