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How do you override CLOS:PRINT-OBJECT?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 1990 18:37:17 EDT
;;; Gets you Error - Attempt to access not existent symbol CLOS:M
CLOS:(defmethod print-object ((m sport::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
(format stream "#<~A-~A>"
(class-name (class-of m))
(sport::m-name m)))
By putting the CLOS: outside the list you are trying to read the symbol
CLOS:M, which doesn't exist.
;;; Gets you Error - Lambda lists arn't congruent
(CLOS:defmethod CLOS:print-object ((m SPORT::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
(format stream "#<~A-~A>"
(CLOS:class-name (CLOS:class-of m))
(sport::m-name m)))
"Show CLOS Generic Function PRINT-OBJECT" says that the arguments are
(OBJECT STREAM). The descriptions on p.850 of CLtL2 and 244 of Keene's
book both agree with this. The argument list of all methods for a
generic function must agree with the argument list for the generic
function; you aren't permitted to add additional &optional, &rest, or
&key parameters (well, actually there is some weirdness with &key, but
that's beside the point).
PCL isn't exactly CLOS, so it may not have the same method signature for
PRINT-OBJECT or it may not do all the congruency checking that's
So, remove the "&rest ignore" from the above version and you should be
;;; compiles but isn't called when the object attempts to print itself
(CLOS:defmethod print-object ((m SPORT::measurement) stream &rest ignore)
(format stream "#<~A-~A>"
(CLOS:class-name (CLOS:class-of m))
(sport::m-name m)))
All CLOS-specific functions are in the CLOS package, so the function to
specialize is CLOS:PRINT-OBJECT.