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The most current (and undoubtedly incomplete) schedule

-*- Mode: Text -*-
Sixth Annual International
Symbolics Lisp Users
Group Conference


@i(Conference Organizers)

@b(Conference Chair)
Richard Billington, Georgia Institute of Technology

@b(Conference Organization)
Jim Aragones, @i(General Electric)
John Bourg, @i(Stanford University)
Joe Karnicky, @i(Varian Associates)

@b(Conference Chairs)
Dan Cerys, @i(Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Incorporated)
Peter Clitherow, @i(Bell Communications Research)
Jacqueline Cova, @i(Symbolics)
William Gooch, @i(Independent Consultant)
Bob Laddaga, @i(Symbolics)
Barry Margolin, @i(Thinking Machines)
Brad Miller, @i(University of Rochester)
Paul Pangaro, @i(PANGARO, Incorporated)
Ross Stenstrom, @i(Boeing Advanced Technology Center)
Stever Trever, @i(Symbolics)
Leslie Walko, @i(Bell Communications Research)

@i(SLUG Board and Officers)

@b(SLUG Board Members)
Paul Pangaro, President @i(PANGARO, Incorporated)
Bill York, Vice President @i(International Lisp Associates)
Richard Billington, Board Member @i(Georgia Institute of Technology)
Barry Margolin, Board Member @i(Thinking Machines)
Andrew Ressler, Board Member @i(Liszt Programming, Inc)

@b(SLUG Officers)
Bill Anderson, Membership Secretary @i(Mystech Associates, Inc.)
Rusty Johnson, Treasurer @i(Mystech Associates, Inc.)
Brittany McAlister, National Librarian @i(Mystech Associates, Inc.)
Mabry Tyson, Internet Coordinator @i(SRI International)




Event:@\Symbolics Reception

Time:@\Tues. 6 - 8:30

Location:@\Stanford Campus, near Durand Building, Skilling Auditorium

Event:@\SLUG Reception

Time:@\Thurs. 8 - ...

Location:@\Tressider Union, Stanford Campus

@i(Machine Room)
The machine room is in the Durand Building Room 450.
It will be open during conference hours and will contain:
an @b(XL1200, running Genera 8.0), to be used by Symbolics as well as by users
who  want to try it out.    Scheduling of usage will be done by
Kim Cook (Symbolics).

a @b(MACIVORY, running Genera 8.0),to be used by Symbolics to demonstrate
Concordia and the bug tracking system.  Scheduling of usage will be done
by Kim Cook (Symbolics).

an @b(XL400, running Genera 8.0), to be used for SLUG registration, user
demos, user tape trades.   Scheduling of usage will be done by Joe
Karnicky (SLUG).

a @b(3650, running Genera 7.2), to be used for third party vendor demos.
Scheduling of usage will be done by Joe Karnicky (SLUG).

@i(Third-Party Vendor Presentations)
There will be 3rd party vendor presentations in the
machine room 
from 3:30 - 5:30 on Wed. and from 12:30 - 5:30 on Thurs.


Session:@\Opening Session

Time:@\Wed. 9 - 10

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Richard Billington @i(Georgia Tech, SLUG '90
Conference Chair)Welcome and Opening Remarks

John Bourg @i(Stanford, SLUG '90 Organization
Committee) Welcome to Stanford

Paul Pangaro @i(PANGARO Inc., SLUG President) The Status of SLUG and the
SLUG-Symbolics Relationship

Rusty Johnson @i(Mystech, SLUG Treasurer) Treasurer's Report

Bill Anderson @i(Mystech, SLUG Membership) Membership Report

Session:@\Symbolics Management Presentations

Time:@\Wed. 10:30 - 12:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Jay Wurts @i(Symbolics, President) State of Symbolics

Ken Tarpey @i(Symbolics, VP Symbolics Processing Business Unit) Genera
Business and Support

Ken Sinclair @i(Symbolics, Managing Member of the Technical Staff, Software
Delivery) Software Delivery 
Session:@\The Future of Genera

Time:@\Wed. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\This session will cover the future of Lisp machines in Japan,
suggested Genera enhancements by users, a response to the morning's 
first session, and (some) current thoughts for
updating Genera by Symbolics' Manager for Genera Development

Mr. Ejiri @i(Nihon Symbolics) 
Marketing Status/Policy/Direction... of Nihon Symbolics

Masayuki Ida @i(Computer Science Research Lab. Aoyama Gakuin Univ. Japan)
(Chair, Jeida Common Lisp Committee)
(Vice President, SLUG-JP)
Common Lisp Implementations in Japan 
(survey on population/usage of each implementation)
and for Genera application, how to cope with UN*X world...,

Brad Miller @i(University of Rochester)
some comments from slug members not present, possible improvements to the
Robert D. Pfeiffer @i(Lockheed Corp.)
Advantages to making Statice a (non-layered) part of Genera

Richard Billington @i(Georga Institute of Technology)
Hypertext (and Databases) as an integral part of Genera

Paul Pangaro @i(PANGARO Inc.)
A SLUG response to the morning session

Ken Tarpey @i(Symbolics)
Current plans and ideas for focused Genera development

Chair:@\Brad Miller @i(University of Rochester)
Session:@\State of Lisp

Time:@\Wed. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\Participants in this session will describe the current state
of the Lisp language.

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Kent Pitman @i(Symbolics)
The status of Common Lisp standardization by X3J13.

Bill York @i(International Lisp Associates)
CLIM - Common Lisp Interface Manager.


Chair:@\Barry Margolin @i(Thinking Machines)
Session:@\Delivering Genera Applications for the UNIX world

Time:@\Wed. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\McCullough 127

Overview:@\Discussion of experiences in trying to integrate
Symbolics' applications into a UNIX environment.

Participants:@\@begin(itemize) @begin(multiple)Professor Masayuki Ida
@i(Computer Science Research Lab, Aoyama Gakuin Univesity, Japan)
"How Genera Developed Applications can cope with UNIX world."
Observations and personal experiences with such things as
making a new portable window tool kit, YY, using a new
Server/Client model on top of X, early experiences with CLIM.

@begin(multiple)Takao Terano @i(Graduate School of Systems Management, The University
of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan)
"Delivered Expert Sytems and Symbolics in Japan -  Past, Present,
and Future."
>From the beginning of the 80's to the mid 80's,  Symbolics lisp
machines are the 'everything' for AI appliations both for developers and 
managers.  But, now, they are mainly used for only stand-alone prototype 
systems.  The practical ones are converted for the lesser 
machines,  i.e., the UNIX workstations.  This talk will
introduce the features of famous  AI applications 
in Japan, discuss why they are not usualy deployed in the
wonderful Symbolics environment, and finaly to predict the status 
of the AI applications on Symbolics in the near future.

Chair:@\J. Ross Stenstrom @i(Boeing High Technology Center)
Session:@\Case Studies in Using Concordia

Time:@\Wed. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\McCullough 128

Overview:@\The application of Concordia or its substrate in
dynamic text creation and operational uses

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Randy Groves @i(Boeing Advanced Technology Center)

 @\John W. Krieger @i(Westinghouse Savannah River Company)

 @\Peter Van Sickel @i(Aluminum Company of America, Alcoa Technical Center)


Chair:@\Jacqueline Covo @i(Symbolics)
Session:@\Symbolics Technical Presentations

Time:@\Thurs. 9 - 12:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

 9:00 -  9:20  -  CLOE

 9:20 -  9:40  -  XL1200

 9:40 - 10:00  -  Bugtracking

10:00 - 10:30  -  BREAK

10:30 - 10:50  -  Genera

10:50 - 11:10  -  Concordia/Document Examiner

11:10 - 11:30  -  Framethrower/HDTV

11:30 - 12:30  -  Paintamation
Session:@\CLIM and DW: Experiences and Comments
Time:@\Thurs. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\McCullough 127

Overview:@\Presentations about CLIM and DW, similarities, differences and
porting experiences

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Bill York @i(CLIM Designer and Developer at ILA)
will give overview of CLIM, and relationship to DW.

Scott McKay @i(Symbolic)
Senior developer at Symbolics, will discuss CLIM, and relationship to DW.  

Kimberley Cook @i(Symbolics)
Will give presentation about her experience assisting customers with porting from

Chair:@\Bob Laddaga @i(Symbolics)

Session:@\Research Techniques: How To find the right function (the Document
Examiner and beyond) 

Time:@\Thurs. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\McCullough 128

Overview:@\@begin(multiple)This seminar is for users who need to maintain locally-defined
systems, or anyone who enjoys browsing Genera for examples, comments and
internal features.  If you have enough disk-space for system source files and
a who-calls database, this is the place to bring your favorite variations on
the Find Symbol/Edit Definition/List Callers cycle.

Document Hunt:  "Research Techniques" begins with the Document Examiner: its history, 
internal structure, intelligent Candidate selection and Viewer management.  There will 
also be an overview of DocEx performance issues, favorite feature-requests, known problems 
and workarounds.

Exploring Source:  The majority of the seminar starts where the Document Examiner leaves off, 
examining a wide range of Zmacs tools, techniques and private hacks for the study of large 
systems.  Many users rely on a small repertoire of Find/Edit/List/Show commands, unaware of 
obscure keywords, numeric args and extended commands that can make their work easier.

Odds And Ends:  The last third of our session covers miscellaneous topics such as Debug 
Flags, Completion and the Presentation Inspector.  We'll also touch on debugging strategies 
(Breakpoints, string-searches and monitored locations) without actually overlapping any 
material from Brad Miller's Advanced Debugging seminar, and conclude the forum with a 
phrasebook for parsing developers' source-code comments.

Participants:@\Rick Munoz @i(Corporate Support, Symbolics Inc)

Chair:@\Steve Trever @i(Software Support, Symbolics Inc)
Session:@\Databases: Real World encounters with Object-oriented
Database Applications

Time:@\Thurs. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\Format: Five brief presentations will be given reflecting on the current
state of user experiences with Statice and other object-oriented
database systems.  The presentations will be used to illustrate
conceptual and real world implementation issues that challenge database
designers.  The objective of the session is to answer both hard
technical how-to questions and to raise even harder theoretical issues
such as ontology of object systems.

Overview of commercial OO-DBMS and Persistent Object Storage Systems

What is a *real* Object-Oriented Database 

New Applications for Databases: Graphics, CASE, GIS Integrating

Statice and CLOS User Experiences with Statice and G-Base Interface and
Heterogeneous Database Integration 

Next Generation of OO-DBMS

Capabilities Ontology of object-oriented databases

Leslie Walko [as Chairperson]
Overview Of Database Concepts

What Is An "Object-Oriented" Dbms
   (and what is not)

Commercial Oo-Dbms

Integrity Constraints In Data Bases

Active Vs. Passive Databases

Robert D. Pfeiffer (RDP@@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com)
"Case study: Statice vs. Real World User Expectations"
Mr. Pfeiffer will focus the integration of Statice and CLOS.  His
investigation was carried out in the context of building a portable
application requering database support.  He will discuss advantages and
disadvantages of the database vs. file system approach, and analyse
application portability and real world delivery requirements.  Lastly,
he will reflect on the idea of what a "turn key" or "portable" yet CLOS
compatible oo-dbms might be like.

Mamoru Sato (forwarded via: ida@@cc.aoyama.ac.jp) "Experiences of the S-system
as a Graphical Object Server for Multi-Media Distributed DBs" Mr. Sato will
present a video of his current system.  It is a book retrieval tool which
provides realistic vision experience as if the user was "Browsing in a Room".
The system was built using Symbolics S-system in a Lisp-Unix environment.
He will then analyse his experience and discuss what are his expectations of a
(graphical) object servers next and how Statice could or should fill that

Howard Schrobe (hes@@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM)
@i(Symbolics, MIT) Mr. Schrobe is on the staff of Symbolics and Professor of
Computer Science, MIT.  He has been involved with Statice since its inception;
he will discuss Statice from a technical perspective.

Reza Seddigh (no e-mail)
@i(Natural Selection Associates)
"Real experiences with Flavors to G-Base conversion and a brief
overview of the commercial ORION (tm) oo-dbms."
Mr. Sedding is currently a consultant converting a commercially
available interactive application to run over an OO-DBMS, viz. G-Base.
He will discuss file system vs. dbms implementation of the application.
His talk will address issues encountered in the ongoing project of
conversion from a Flavors-file based model to using G-Base.

@begin(multiple)Tom Shepard (no e-mail)
@i(Houston Lighting & Power)
"Flexibility in Application Delivery:  One Year of OODB
Experience in a Power Company Maintenance Management."
Since March of 1989, Houston Lighting & Power has used a Statice
database containing information merged from two mainframe databases, and
cached on both a daily and demand basis.  The Statice application
interprets the raw data and synthesizes richer semantic structures than
those available on the mainframe.  The database is populated with about
250,000 instances of 10 entity-types and 50 attributes.

He has found that flexibility of the Statice database schema and the
overall productivity of the Symbolics environment, permits rapid
development of applications in the face of changing requirements and
ad-hoc requests involving complex queries.

Leslie A. Walko (attila@@bellcore.com)
@i(Database and Systems Group, Bell Communications Research)
"Design of a very large GIS application using Statice"
During the last three years, Bellcore has built a very large
experimental system in a Semantic DBMS.  Part of that system is being
re-implemented in Statice.  The parallel implementation anables direct
comparison of the semantic and object-oriented paradigms.

Mr. Walko will discuss the conceptual differences between relational,
semantic and object-oriented databases and how such differences impact
functionality.  He will compare Statice and SIM data manipulation
language, comment on performance issues, and overall functionality.

Lastly he will consider, what in general is required for in "industrial
strength" object-oriented dbms; in other words, what's needed so that
the "corporate non-high tech" customer pays money to have oo-dbms

@begin(multiple)All participants:
What Have We Learned

Where Is Oo-Dbms Technology Today?

How Real Is It?

What Do Users Really Need Most?

Open Rearch Issues

Pocket Guide To Ontology For The Oo-Designer

Chair:@\Leslie A. Walko (attila@@bellcore.com) @i(Bellcore)
Session:@\Delivering Applications: Tips from Consultants and Issues from Experience

Time:@\Thurs. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\McCullough 127

Format:@\@begin(multiple)Tips: From direct experience and with absorbing
detail, each speaker will focus on a favorite global issue, for example,
writing, debugging, maintaining, porting, or designing systems.

Issues: Amongst issues of the sort to be addressed are (a) tools
available for integrating in Genera (Statice, Concordia, e.g); (b) how
to "deliver" (on pure Symbolics boxes, embedded Symbolics boards, using
Symbolics as servers; (c) porting from here to there. @end(multiple)

Bill York @i(International LISP Associates)

Andrew Ressler @i(Liszt Programming, Inc.)

William Gooch

Tom Shepard

Chair:@\Paul Pangaro @i(PANGARO Incorporated)
Session:@\Debugging Techniques for the Real Hacker

Time:@\Thurs. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\This session will cover tools and techniques people with 
great familiarity with Symbolics machines and lisp debugging use to
route out those hard-to-find bugs.

Participants:@\@begin(itemize) @begin(multiple)Brad Miller @i(University of
A summary of the "standard" techniques

Advanced Tracing Techniques

Using the Run Bars

Quick and dirty metering without using the metering tools
Richard Munoz @i(Symbolics Inc.)

<no abstract by press time>

Barry Margolin @i(Think Inc.)
Reading disassembled code

Instruction breakpoints

Machine-level debugger features:
Single stepping

Break on exit

Break on call
Variable and location monitoring

Chair:@\Brad Miller @i(University of Rochester)
Session:@\Site Maintenance Strategies, Tools, and Configurations

Time:@\Thurs. 4 - 5:30

Room:@\McCullough 128

Overview:@\How do you get NFS to work between Symbolics and Suns or other Unix
boxes; how do you manage local worlds, local patches, local extensions;
how do you manage maintenance, tape backups, make the Namespace system
work with the Domain Name System;  Sharing printers with UNIX hosts;
Restoring broken disks.


Rich Cohen (hi.cohen@@mcc.com) @i[MCC]
@\Building and Maintaining Local Worlds:  We commonly build incremental
worlds as deep as 6 levels, using netbooting to avoid the problem of
regularly distributing new worlds.  We use a tool named WORLD-MAKER to
provide some structure to all this.  I plan to describe WORLD-MAKER and
our standard practices for building and managing worlds.  [I plan to
submit WORLD-MAKER to the SLUG library after some field tests.]

Peter Clitherow (pc@@flash.bellcore.com) @i[Bellcore]
@\Issues involving running Servers (Domains, Namespace, Directory, Mailer
etc) sharing clients between LISPMs and others (UNIX).  Tactics for
keeping things consistent.  Automatic Backups.  Maintaining software for
multiple releases and versions of software.

Mabry Tyson (tyson@@ai.sri.com) @i[SRI]
@\NFS Issues, Local Patches, Local Extensions, Shared Printers, Restoring
broken Disks, Security

Teri Carilli (carilli@@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM) @i[Symbolics]
@\Coexisting Rel8 Rel7 Rel6 machines, Coexisting Ivory and G/L Machines
and embedded machines, Customizing Symbolics worlds, Distributing
worlds, Netbooting

Chair:@\Peter Clitherow @i[Bellcore]
Session:@\SLUG Business and Election

Time:@\Friday 9 - 10

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\Discussion of important issues in the SLUG - Symbolics relationship
for the coming year.

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Paul Pangaro @i(SLUG President)

Bill York @i(SLUG Vice-President)

Barry Margolin @i(SLUG Board Member)

Richard Billington @i(SLUG Board Member)

Andrew L. Ressler @i(SLUG Board Member)
Session:@\Reverse Q&A

Time:@\Friday 10:30 - 12:30

Room:@\Skilling Auditorium

Overview:@\Symbolics Management and Developers initiate a discussion with the
rest of the attendees. Questions and answers from both sides on issues that
haven't been resolved or which have arisen in the course of the conference.

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Ken Sinclair @i(Symbolics, Managing Member of
the Technical Staff)  

Saulo Salvador @i(Symbolics)

David Moon @i(Symbolics, Developer)

Ken Tarpey @i(Symbolics, VP Symbolics Processing Business Unit)

Howie Shrobe @i(VP Technology)
Session:@\Performance: Pitfalls and Tuning

Time:@\Fri. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\McCullough 127

Overview:@\Performance issues are often what determine the success or failure of an
application (and the tolerance of the developer in building the
application).  There have been a number of cases where the application has
had a wonderful set of features, but has failed, because it was too slow to
use.  There have even been a few cases of this with Genera itself!  Most
often performance bottlenecks become significant in interactive systems,
but for large computational tasks (e.g., theorem proving), a few
performance problems can make a manageable problem infeasible.  This
session will cover some of the tools and techniques available, with two
presentations followed by an open Q&A with the participants.


Ken Anderson <KAnderson@@bbn.com> & Dan Cerys <Cerys@@bbn.com> - @i[Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc (BBN)]@\
Case study of how Ken was able to increase the overall speed of his
machine by up to 10%, noticably improving the responsiveness of the
interface in 7.2.  May also cover optimization techniques for numeric
operations.  Ken and Dan have designed a wide variety of Lisp systems at

Michael Greenwald <MichaelG@@cs.stanford.edu> - @i(Symbolic Computing Consultants)@\
Why Metering is Hard, and How we can Make It Better, but not Easier.
This is a Good News/Bad News talk.  The bad news is that it is easy to
misunderstand metering results - making the results of the metering
not useful - and difficult to get results that tell you things you need
to know.  Examples of a few common pitfalls will be provided.
The Good News is that metering is still useful, and I'll provide some
guidelines for how to get the most out of metering.
Mike was a developer at Symbolics for about 5 years, working on (among other things)
performance and performance tools, the new scheduler, and was involved in
the port of Genera from the 36xx to Ivory.  

David Moon <Moon@@riverside.scrc.symbolics.com> - @i(Symbolics, Inc.)@\

Eric Weaver <Weaver@@russian.spa.symbolics.com> - @i(Symbolics, Inc.)@\

Robert D. Pfeiffer - Lockheed
<probably not>


Chair:@\Dan Cerys (cerys@@bbn.com) @i[Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc (BBN)]
Session:@\Using Genera to Develop Portable Applications: Successes and Advice

Time:@\Fri. 2 - 3:30

Room:@\McCullough 128

Participants:@\@begin(itemize)Bob Laddaga @i(Symbolics)

Eric Weaver @i(Symbolics)

Kent Pitman @i(Symbolics)

Chair:@\William Gooch @i(Consultant)