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Re: problem with ux400
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 15:25 PDT
From: TYSON@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Mabry Tyson)
It's been awhile since I've said on the SLUG list that my opinion is
that some of these problems should be reported to
SLUG is more appropriate when the problems are ones that Symbolics
customer support can't help you with. I personally feel that I would
rather David be helping Symbolics move forward and let him be distracted
only by the problems that Customer-Reports can't handle get filtered up
to him. (Of course, David may have a different opinion!)
I agree with you completely. And SLUG readers, please don't count on me to
answer messages to SLUG, I only answer when (a) I need a break from my real
work, and simultaneously (b) I feel like showing off.
I would be disappointed if the real purpose of SLUG was lost and SLUG simply
became a way of getting around customer support.