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Character style stripper.
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 16:58 PDT
From: RDP@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com (Robert D. Pfeiffer)
[I think this has come up before but I couldn't find any mail in my
archives. If it has, I apologize for the redundancy.]
I need a character-style stripping utility. Ideally, I could just
specify a pathname with wild inferiors and it would do the rest.
Thanks in advance,
Bob Pfeiffer
Here are some usefull CP commands that I have defined. The command
Strip Fonts does what you want. I have included the other commands
because the are also usefull their intent is mostly self evident.
Except for Split File, which is used to take out excerpts of a
code file (between the ;;;begin and ;;;end comments) and stuff it
into a LaTeX file for inclusion in a document. That way code and
documents can be kept in sync.
1;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: USER; Base: 10; Syntax: Common-lisp -*-
;;; LaHaShem HaAretz U'Mloah
0(cp:define-command (2COM-SPLIT-FILE
0 :command-table "Global"
:provide-output-destination-keyword nil)
:documentation "A pathname of a file to split into components"
:prompt "A pathname to split"))
(catch :exit
(with-open-file (source-stream source-file :direction :in)
(loop for line = (read-line source-stream nil :eof)
until (eq line :eof)
when (string= line ";;;begin" :end1 8)
do (with-open-file (destination-stream
(merge-pathnames (substring line 9)
:direction :out)
(format destination-stream "\\begin{verbatim}~%")
(loop for line = (read-line source-stream nil :eof)
when (eq line :eof)
do (format destination-stream
(throw :exit :exit)
until (string= line ";;;end" :end1 6)
do (format destination-stream "~A~%" line)
finally (format destination-stream
(cp:define-command (2COM-STRIP-FONTS
0 :command-table "Global"
:provide-output-destination-keyword nil)
:documentation "A pathname of a file to strip font information"
:prompt "A pathname to strip")
:documentation "A pathname of a file to receive the fontless information"
:prompt "A pathname to receive fontless data"))
(catch :exit
(with-open-file (source-stream source-file :direction :in)
(with-open-file (destination-stream destination-file :direction :out)
(loop for character = (read-char source-stream nil :eof)
until (eq character :eof)
do (write-char
(code-char (char-code character) (char-bits character))
(cp:define-command (2COM-CLEANUP-LATEX-FILES
0 :name "Cleanup LaTeX Files"
:command-table "Global"
:provide-output-destination-keyword nil)
((directory 'pathname
:documentation "A directory to cleanup LaTeX files"
:prompt "A directory"))
(loop for type in '("aux" "log" "toc" "lof" "lot" "bbl" "blg")
for pathname = (merge-pathnames
(make-pathname :name :wild :type type :version :wild)
(loop for file in (directory pathname)
do (delete-file file)
(format t "~&~A deleted." file)))
(cp:define-command (2COM-DELETE-OLD-VERSIONS
0 :command-table "Global"
:provide-output-destination-keyword nil)
((directory 'pathname
:documentation "A directory to delete old versions of files"
:prompt "A directory"))
(loop for file in (set-difference
(directory (send directory :new-version :wild))
(directory (send directory :new-version :newest)))
do (delete-file file)
(format t "~&~A deleted." file))
1;;; Tam V'Nishlam Shevah L'El Borei Olam