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1Re: autoboot services0

I wouldn't send this to thw whole list, but my mailer claims there is no
such host as marvin.msfc.nasa.gov...

1    Date: Thu, 30 Aug 90 15:49:19 MDT
    From: walls@marvin.msfc.nasa.gov

Either don't claim the machine is a server in the namespace (which is what
keeps it from enabling services) or build a saved world that enables
services immediately after it finishes booting. There are a number of ways
to effect the latter, the easiest would be something like putting this into
your site system:

  "Enable Services"
  '(process-run-function "Enable Services"
     #'(lambda ()
	(process-wait "Await Initialization"
	  #'boundp 'tv:initial-lisp-listener)
  '(:normal :warm))

Alternatively you could force a string to the listener itself via the

(defun force-input (string-to-force)
  (PROCESS-RUN-FUNCTION "Force Initial Input"	     ;thanks to KMP@symbolics for this code...
    #'(LAMBDA ()
	(PROCESS-WAIT "Await Initialization"
	(WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS ;Avoid a race condition with keyboard input
		    (CHAR STRING-TO-FORCE I))))))))

You could force, e.g. :enable services then.

 Brad Miller		U. Rochester Comp Sci Dept.
 miller@cs.rochester.edu {...allegra!rochester!miller}
 Brad Miller		U. Rochester Comp Sci Dept.
 miller@cs.rochester.edu {...allegra!rochester!miller}