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mailer storing RMAIL on UNIX

    Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 09:59 EDT
    From: jclose@potomac.ads.com (J. Jeffrey Close)

    I store my mail in RMAIL format on a UNIX machine, and my incoming mail
    goes in inbox, as usual.  However, I'd like to be able to read and update
    the mail file from the LISPM where I spend most of the time (the stuff's
    on the UNIX box for several other reasons).

    The Mailer won't let one select RMAIL as a mail storage format for UNIX
    machines, so I need a fix.  I can think of a couple of quick but dirty
    hacks, and before looking into it more I'm wondering if there is an
    accepted way to address this that I've missed, or an existing hack.
    Any help is appreciated...

Zmail supports Babyl format, which is almost identical to RMAIL format.
GNU Emacs RMAIL can be made to use Babyl format by putting

	(setq rmail-babyl-compatibility " ")

in your .emacs file.  However, even with this, I've noticed some minor
incompatibilities, but only if I've used RMAIL's summary mode or its "w"