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Date: Sat, 15 Sep 90 17:10:30 EDT
From: barmar@Think.COM
Date: Sat, 15 Sep 90 11:14 EDT
From: Kalman Reti <Reti@WESER.sreti.symbolics.com>
An intermediate strategy is to store the location of the function cell
(LOCF #'rewrite-function) and then use LOCATION-CONTENTS in conjunction with
the APPLY or FUNCALL. This will get the new definition when a redefinition
occurs, but will avoid the paging overhead of having to reference the symbol
(which is likely to be far away from the function cell).
The function cell is *in* the symbol.
Nope, there are two function cells, one in the symbol and one with the compiled
function. Generally, the symbol one is forwarded (via a forwarding pointer)
to the function one, at least in modern releases of Genera.