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Symbolics to Sun Port Questions

    Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 11:52 PDT
    From: RDP@ALAN.kahuna.decnet.lockheed.com (Robert D. Pfeiffer)

	Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 08:15:39 PDT
	From: curte@beowulf.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Curt Eggemeyer)


	2)  During this port, I am thinking of changing over to CLOS.  
	What experiences has anyone had in doing a Flavors to CLOS 

    I also had to do precisely this for a planning and scheduling system
    that we developed here.  Based on my experience, I would urge you to
    consider doing the conversion on the Symbolics before porting.  Load the
    system Conversion Tools and then invoke the functionality (there are a
    few variants of the command, and I forgot the names) from Zmacs.  I was
    very pleased at how well this worked for our system and shudder to think
    about how painful it would have been to do "by hand".

Ditto, on an experiment I did with Joshua.  It is fairly trivial, with
perhaps the need to put a WITH-SLOTS (self ...) ...   around all the
bodies of the methods to give you lexical access to the IVs.

Sometime I'll tell you what it's like doing a LOOPS to CLOS
translation!!  :-}