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Date: Fri, 5 Apr 91 14:07:24 est
From: rick@maxai.den.mmc.com (Rick Duffy)
Does anyone know of an email list/forum that
covers LISP/CLOS/CLIM, etc? For that matter,
if you know of any open AI-related forums, please
let me know! (If I get a bunch, I'll put them
together an post them here).
... RIck
Hi Rick,
Some time back I solicited and compiled this information, but I never
got around to posting it. (my apologies):
SLUG lists with comments on usage:
slug@ai.sri.com Whole list of SLUG recipients
Frequent use
slug-board@ai.sri.com Official Board, plus extended associates (e.g., treasurer, SLUG-Japan)
slug-board-only@ai.sri.com Board members only
slug-president@ai.sri.com President (or alternate if away from DIALnet)
Used, but currently still goes to the old president as the new president doesn't have a mail address
slug-membership@ai.sri.com National Membership Librarian
slug-treasurer@ai.sri.com National Treasurer
slug-librarian@ai.sri.com Librarian, for SLUG tape information
slug-liaison@ai.sri.com Symbolics' liaison to SLUG
This forwards to Symbolics. I don't know if it is used or who gets it now.
slug-liaison-international@ai.sri.com Symbolics' liaison to international users
This forwards to Symbolics. I don't know if it is used or who gets it now.
slug-consulting@ai.sri.com For discussing issues about consulting based on Symbolics machines
slug-dial@ai.sri.com Discussion of DIALnet facilities to be implemented on users' behalf
by Symbolics (technical advisors)
slug-dialnet@ai.sri.com Special Interest Group for DIALnet users
slug-dialnet-registry@ai.sri.com Registrar for SLUG Dialnet registration
Used, but very little
slug-sig-ai@ai.sri.com Special Interest Group in AI Products (Joshua/Concordia/Statice)
slug-shared-maint@ai.sri.com Special Interest Group for users on shared maintenance, and other interested parties
Rarely used. Actually forwarded to SLUG-SHARED-MAINT@THINK.COM.
slug-chapters@ai.sri.com Group leaders for "local" users groups internationally
BARESLUG@ai.sri.com San Francisco Bay Area SLUG people (part of SLUG mailing list)
Part of SLUG but otherwise unused.
Essentially unused
So far unused
other lists:
Common Lisp: common-lisp-request@mcc.com
TI: info-ti-explorer-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
CLOS: common-lisp-object-system-request@mcc.com
CL Window Systems: cl-windows-request@mcc.com
PCL: commonloops-request.pa@xerox.com
CLX: bug-clx-request@expo.lcs.mit.edu
Express Windows: express-windows-request@atc.boeing.com
Allegro CL: allegro-cl-request@berkeley.edu
CLIM: clim-request@bbn.com
TI - Texas Instruments
CLOS - Common Lisp Object System
CL - Common Lisp
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
PCL - Portable CommoonLoops
CLX - Common LISP X Interface
CLIM - Common Lisp Interface Manager
I suggest that if anybody has any corrections or additions they respond to
both Rick and myself, and we can coordinate with each other on getting out
a supplement.
Joe Karnicky
- References:
- From: rick@maxai.den.mmc.com (Rick Duffy)