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Re: MacIvories and Mac System 7.0?

Chill out.  Symbolics needs our support too, not just ragging.

	From @IU.AI.SRI.COM:slug-admin@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM Thu May 30 06:02:11 1991
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	Date: Thu, 30 May 91 02:00 EDT
	From: RWK@FUJI.ILA.COM (Robert W. Kerns)
	Subject: MacIvories and Mac System 7.0?
	To: Dodds@yukon.scrc.symbolics.com (Douglas Dodds), delaney@xn.ll.mit.edu
	Cc: slug@ai.sri.com
	In-Reply-To: <19910524211623.6.DODDS@SWAN.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>
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	    Date: Fri, 24 May 1991 17:16-0400
	    From: Dodds@yukon.scrc.symbolics.com (Douglas Dodds)
	    It's not compatible.  And unfortunately, due to bad timing, even the
	    MacIvory life support for Genera 8.1, which is shipping in the next few
	    weeks, is not compatible with MacOS 7.0.

	This is *extremely* bad timing, bad planning, and bad customer
	relations.  Symbolics seems to assume that MacIvory users only
	run Genera, and that the customers will sit still until Symbolics
	gets its act together.  Personally, I just run Genera less often.

	But not even fixing it so the meta-key works again until this fall
	is so obviously absurd I refuse to believe that Symbolics won't do
	something reasonable more quickly.  (I leave it as an excersize for
	the reader to figure out how much customer pressure will be needed
	to make that happen).

	    There will be compatibility with MacOS 7.0 in Genera 8.1 ECO#1, which is
	    scheduled to be shipped in the fall.

	(Which is about a year and a half after I first needed support for
	VM.  It's a ROYAL pain having to boot my Mac every time I want to run

Let's keep perspective please.