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Re: Rays from monitors.

    Date: 20 Jun 91 21:27:19 GMT
    From: ncramer@BBN.COM (Nichael Cramer)

    pan@athena.pangaro.dialnet.symbolics.COM (Paul Pangaro) writes:
    }    From: jrs@atc.boeing.com (Ross Stenstrom)
    }} ... [question about what it means to spend 50hrs/wk in front of a
    }}  SMBX monitor] ...
    }If you are talking about 60 Hz ELF fields, I have measured both our old
    }monochromes (the ones with the bright LEDs that you can see at the upper
    }left of the console as you look from the front) and new "premium"
    }monochrome monitors. The "premium" monitor has slightly higher field at
    }a distance of 18" (1.2 millegauss vs. 0.8).  This is the maximum
    }measurement I can get at that distance in the front of the screen; when
    }off center a few inches, it begins to fall.

    "1.2 millegauss vs 0.8"??

    But what does this _mean_.  I'm certainly aware of the definition of a
    gauss, but can someone translate this into useful English?  (Remember
    you're talking to software types here.  ;)


Although there is no confirmed mechanism, and the utility industry is
fighting the very notion tooth and nail, prolonged exposure to 60 Hz
fields has been implicated in various ills, including leukemia, tumors,
and suppressed immune response. Children are at risk, perhaps more than
adults. Not just VDUs are implicated, either, but also electric

The issue has been so broadly discussed in the press lately (MacWorld,
New Yorker, TV morning shows and countless other mags and newspapers).
I (pre-)assumed that the topic would have a context, and the original
query seemed to come from someone knowing the issues (I left slug on as
a matter of potential interest).   AND, the issues are complex, the
situation is not clear, I am no expert and everyone has to make their
own choices.

1 milligauss is the currently "popular" level that we are encouraged to
maintain: 2 mG has been implicated in measureably increasing the risk of
leukemia in children, if I recall correctly. Remember though, nobody
knows how it works so noone can know what is and isn't safe --- not just
in terms of levels, but duration, field orientation, phases of the moon,

I have also spent most of my waking hours in front of emitters for the
last 20 years, and I now sit as far as I can and still read the damn
things (0.4 Mg, FYI).