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moving color system from 3600 to 3640

Recently the monitor of our old lonely 3600 died and we won't spend
the deutsch-marks symbolics demands for a repair. But we still need
the color system (8bit) of the 3600.
So my idea was: why not put the color system (color-controler,
color-mem, color-paddle) in our 3640? There are tow free slots,
(marked CC and CM = color-controler and color-mem??) and the only
problems I can imagine are with different firmware revisions needed to
run the color-system in the 3640.

Has anyone done that before? Is it possible at all?? Both systems run
Genera 8.0.1 if it matters.

Thanks in advance,
Kurt Schreiner                          VOICE : +49 681 302 5270
German Research Center for AI (DFKI)    FAX   : +49 681 302 5341
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3  (Building 43.1)   E-MAIL: ks@dfki.uni-sb.de
D-6600 Saarbruecken 11, Germany