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Genlock problems
Doug, thanks for the info on genlock and video sync. I opted
to take a blackburst in for sync, setting the SYNC SEL mini
jumper to A, and connecting black burst from the external
sync generator to the bottom BNC, J2, on the genlock board.
At this point I am still left with an un-synchronized
video signal. From what you described as the method to
adjust C47, can this be the cause of this un-sync'ed state?
The catch here is that the genlock board is mounted in the
slot directly adjacent to the chroma paddle, so close that
there's a sheet of cardboard inbetween them to prevent
inadvertent touching. Which doesn't leave any room to get
in there and adjust while the board is mounted. Should I
swap/move the color controller on the LBus to another slot
so I can move the chroma paddle over, or should I just
move the genlock board to another slot, like maybe below
LB03 (etched at top of NBS backplane)?
The view from the back of the 3650:
> | L | | L | | L | | L | | L | | L | | L |
> | B | | B | | B | | B | | B | | B | | B |
> | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 |
> |_6_| |_5_| |_4_| |_3_| |_2_| |_1_| |_0_|
> ___________________________________________
> | | | |
> | | | |_
> | |_ | |_|R * The three boards in
> | |_| | | the baby backplane.
> | | | |
> | |_ | |_ #1 - Framegrabber
> | |_| | |_|G board
> | | | |
> | | | | #2 - Genlock
> | |_ |_ |_ board
> | |_|B |_| |_|B
> | | | | #3 - Hires Chroma
> | |_ |_ | Paddle
> | |_|G |_| |_
> | | | |_|C _
> | |_ |_ | _| - denotes a
> | |_|R |_| | BNC connector
> | | | |_
> | | | |_|S R - Red
> | | | | G - Grn
> | |_ |_ | B - Blu
> | |_|S |_|BB | C - Chroma
> | | | in | S - Sync
> | | | |
#1 #2 #3
In case it's significant, the Lenco encoder is getting Sync,
Blank and Sub-Carrier from the same sync generator that is
feeding the Blackburst to the 3650. The encoder gets its
R, G and B inputs from the 3650 outputs. From there the
video out of the encoder goes to a Sony 25XBR NTSC monitor.
Additionally, the pass through BNCs on the Lenco encoder
feed through to an NTSC RGB monitor (I tried disconnecting
this RGB monitor, to no avail). This RGB monitor gets its
sync from the 3650 Sync Out BNC. The RGB monitor image is
real nice, no problems. The video signal at the Sony is
torn mostly horizontally, with diagonal tears between
the horizontals. The image seen on the RGB monitor is
slightly visible on the Sony, through the garbage.
Thanks Doug! Big appreciation! I'll send money for a
1200XL when I get this one going and make some :)
* Scott Busse email: O O O_ _ ___ .....
* CIS 73040,2114 ||| /|\ /\ O/\_ / O )=|
* scott_busse@mindlink.UUCP l | | |\ / \ /\ _\
* scott_busse@mindlink.bc.ca Live Long and Animate... \