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Re: Looking for a few good programmers
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1992 12:00 CST
From: delisio@tc.pw.com (Jefferson DeLisio)
If 4 Mb is an absolute constraint I don't think CLOE will be an option.
The bare CLOE image for the PC is about 7Mb of disk space - a rough guide
we have found is that CLOE runs best when the amount of memory available is
similar to the image size (no swapping just GC). My application (~ 750K
lines of code containing some CLIM code and a large KB - CLOS based) when
added to CLOE weighs in as a 14Mb image. I can run that in 12Mb but it will
go off on long paging/gc intervals from time to time. At 8Mb the intervals
occur frequently and last an intolerable amount of time. My code could be
made more CLOE efficient to be sure but I cannot imagine anything but the
most trivial application running in 4Mb, which is a shame because CLOE is
very close to making the transition of code to PCs painless. Our latest
project conversion took only a few days to be up and running (though it
had already been tried out in Franz so it was fairly CommonLisp pure) and
our only headaches have been with CLIM but that is another story...
I think you are right, although it is certainly possible (and a pretty
good idea) to do your own memory management and turn CLOE's GC off. I
ran MCC's SIGCHI-90 demo this way (actually, between demo runs I ran the
GC, but otherwise I kept it turned off - the code didn't cons a lot
anyway), and it prevented those annoying unpredictable delays that would
make a lot of people just walk away. This approach would be worthwhile,
and possibly important, for a lisp-based application running on any PC
software platform.