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Cleaning up a world...

   Date: Sun, 16 Feb 92 14:35 PST
   From: Scott_Busse%mindlink.bc.ca@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Scott Busse)

   Is there an easy way to remove things from a world?

No easy way.  The hard way is to unintern the symbols that name the
functions, variables, flavors, etc. that you don't want, and also remove
the corresponding objects from whatever data structures they're in (for
instane, there's a table of all the flavors, used by completion).  Garbage
collection might be smart about cleaning up these tables, though, but you'd
have to check on a case-by-case basis.

Symbolics must have solved some of these problems, though.  They have
delivery-only worlds that don't have some of the large packages such as