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We got a surprising result when applying STREAMP to an arbitrary CLOS  
instance. It always returns T. This behavior has changed from Genera  
8.0 to 8.1. While in 8.0 only "real" streams resulted in a T-value in  
8.1 this can be observed for every instance.
For example:

(defclass aa ()())

(setf my-aa (clos:make-instance 'aa))

(streamp my-aa) => T

We looked at the implementation of STREAMP: theu send a FLAVORS  
:WHICH-OPERATIONS message to the CLOS instance and obtain a message  
list which always contains the symbols :TYO and TYI which are  
significant for a stream. 

So, what's the correct predicate for checking anything for stream or  

Bernd Wild

Bernd Wild                                       

Forschungszentrum Informatik FZI
Dept. Technical Expert Systems and Robotics
Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 10-14
D-7500 Karlsruhe GERMANY 

Tel:   +49-721-9654-310
Fax:   +49-721-9654-309
email: bwild@fzi.de