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Great Eastern...
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 18:12 EST
From: Scott_Busse%mindlink.bc.ca@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Scott Busse)
Thanks for the phone #'s y'all! I see
their address is Cambridge...are they
operating with Symbolics' blessing or
are they raiding Symbolics' garbage bins?
They are competing with Symbolics; they also service Suns, Macs, and
PC's. I think they get their parts by buying them from Symbolics
customers, and then refurbishing them. We've sold them quite a bit of
our surplus stuff (actually, I think we've done more trading than
selling). One of their technicians is Kenny Byrne, who used to be our
Symbolics CE; he's great.
- References:
- Great Eastern...
- From: Scott_Busse%mindlink.bc.ca@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM (Scott Busse)