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Guidelines and template for dpANS Common Lisp reviewers

Guidelines for reviewers of draft proposed American National Standard for
Common Lisp:

* The Public Review Comment Form appended below should make it easy to
  follow most of these guidelines.

* As of the date of this posting, there are exactly two months until the
  close of the public review period, November 23, 1992.  Early comments are
  not required, but will definitely be helpful.

* Be sure to identify the author(s) of the review comment.  Include 
  organization information and contact information (mail, e-mail, 
  phone, and/or fax information).

* If you have comments about multiple topics, please number them 
  individually so that we may refer to them unambiguously.  Don't send
  each comment as a separate message, as it will increase our
  bookkeeping overhead and take time away from the technical response.
  If you do make multiple submissions, please identify in each
  subsequent set of comments that you are continuing your previous
  comments, and resume numbering of your comments from where you left
  off in the previous so that confusion about `your comment number 1'
  does not occur.

* It will save us work if you e-mail us a copy of your comments as well
  as submitting them in hardcopy form to X3.  However, note that your 
  comments *must* be received through official X3 channels before we
  can act upon them.

  Official review comments MUST be sent to EACH of the following TWO

  1.  X3 Secretariat, Attn.: Lynn Barra
      1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200,  Washington, DC 20005-3922.

  2.  American National Standards Institute, Attn: BSR Center
      11 West 42nd St. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

  The Internet mail address for submitting comments is
  x3j13-pr@ai.sri.com; however, note that comments sent only to this
  address are unofficial, and may be ignored if hardcopy is not sent to
  the above addresses.

For each comment you submit:

* Include as specific as possible a reference to dpANS CL (page,
  section, paragraph, etc.).  For example: "p.37-983, section" or "p.37-983, Description of FOO, paragraph 3".

  To refer to multiple pages, use ".." rather than "-" to avoid
  confusion with the hyphens in a section name, e.g. "p.37-983..984".

  Additional references may be provided to other supporting material,
  such as "Common Lisp: The Language" (CLtL1) or X3J13 documents.  If
  you use CLtL as a reference, make sure you specify which edition, i.e.
  refer to CLtL1 or CLtL2 rather than just CLtL.  "Common Lisp: The
  Language, Second Edition" (CLtL2) may be cited for explanatory
  purposes, but note that this is not an official document of X3J13
  (CLtL1, on the other hand, was the official base document from which
  X3J13 derived the dpANS).

* Include a description of the problem.  Try to be specific.  We 
  probably won't take any action in response to vague complaints like 
  "the language is too big" or "LOOP is broken".

* If you report technical problems in the language, it would be helpful
  if you could also summarize what changes you think should be made 
  to correct the problem and the rationale for such changes.

  In some extreme cases, it may be appropriate to attach as supporting
  documentation a draft proposal in the usual X3J13 cleanup format.
  If you want to do this and need help, please contact us at the
  electronic mail address above.

  Keep in mind that the committee weighs the benefits of any proposed 
  change against conversion costs for existing implementations and 
  applications, so we are unlikely to consider suggestions for changes 
  that are not intended to fix a specific problem.

* When you suggest specifc changes to the language, it would be helpful
  (both to you and to us) for you to describe the expected costs (both to
  implementors and users) of taking the suggestion, the benefits of taking
  the suggestion, and the ill effects of not taking the suggestion.

* Requests for clarifications are welcome, for example if you find parts
  of the document where the intent is unclear, or apparent omissions or

* We also welcome comments about other problems of an editorial
  nature, such as typographical errors.
	       dpANS Common Lisp Public Review Comment Form

  [Please fill out a separate form for each comment (they may be
   concatenated in a single mail message -- use the line of dashes as a
   delimiter).  Commentary in [square brackets] may be deleted.  Comments
   MUST be mailed to BOTH:

   X3 Secretariat, Attn.: Lynn Barra
     1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200,  Washington, DC 20005-3922 USA.

   American National Standards Institute, Attn: BSR Center
     11 West 42nd St. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036 USA.

   In addition, they may be emailed to x3j13-pr@ai.sri.com to speed up

Affiliation (optional):
City:                     State:        ZIP/Postal code:
Phone number:                  Fax number:
Email address:

Comment number:
  [A sequence number unique among your comments.]
dpANS draft version:
  [From upper-left corner of each page.]
Section/Page reference:
Type of comment: ___ Editorial  ___ Technical
  [Note that X3J13 is only required to respond to technical comments.]
Suggested committee action:
  [1. None.  Comment is "for your information only".
   2. None at this time.  Note for future work.
   3. Note an ambiguity in the spec, but don't try to correct it.
   4. Change the specification.
   5. Other (please specify).
   For cases 3 and 4, filling in the "Suggested change" field will be

  [Please be specific and detailed.  Optionally include expected costs and
   benefits of accepting the suggestion, and/or ill effects of not
   accepting it.]

Suggested change:
  [Not required, but specific wording changes are helpful.  If you wish,
   you may attach an X3J13 Cleanup Proposal; FTP
   parcftp.xerox.com:/pub/cl/cleanup/proposal-format for the template.]
