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Automatic process: What's the problem?
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1992 13:05 EST
From: jiang@lia.di.epfl.ch (Tao JIANG)
I have defined an automatic process to copy the user files from one
Symbolics machine to another. I use this as an alternative to the
tape backup.
(defun backup-all-user-files ()
(cp:execute-command "copy file"
"dave:>jiang>**>*.*.newest" "dom:>users>jiang>**>*.*.*"
:create-directories :yes
:output-destination (list #p"dom:>backup-log.text")))
(defun automatic-backup ()
(list :absolute (time:parse-universal-time "20:00 today"))
(list :forever 86400)
"Automatic Backup" #'backup-all-user-files))
But there is a problem: when the time is due, the machine says
"Automatic Backup Process wants to type out.
Select Automatic Backup Background Stream by typing Function-0-S."
The problem is your use of CP:EXECUTE-COMMAND. It always does a
(fresh-line) before executing the command (it's intended for use by the
interactive command processor). :OUTPUT-DESTINATION redirects the
output of the command, but not the output of the command processor.
Just call the SI:COM-COPY-FILE function directly, rather than going
(si:com-copy-file #p"dave:>jiang>**>*.*.newest" "dom:>users>jiang>**>*.*.*"
:create-directories :yes
:output-destination '(#p"dom:>backup-log.text"))
I figured this out by using "Debug Process Automatic Backup" and then
searching up the stack for the function that was performing output.