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Quick hack TAK (benchmarks will be benchmarks)

Many of you may have seen a recent message on AILIST about a certain
Lisp benchmark.  We ran it in T and got the following reults.  Included
is the original message for comparison.

On Apollo in T fixnum recklssnss low   6.1   seconds compiled
On Apollo in T fixnum recklssnss high  3.5   seconds compiled
On Apollo in T fixnum block compiled   3.0   seconds compiled
On 11/750 in T fixnum recklssnss low   5.9   seconds compiled
On 11/750 in T fixnum recklssnss high  2.4   seconds compiled
On 11/750 in T fixnum block compiled   1.9   seconds compiled
On 11/780 in T fixnum recklssnss low   3.4   seconds compiled
On 11/780 in T fixnum recklssnss high  1.7   seconds compiled
On 11/780 in T fixnum block compiled   1.26  seconds compiled

"Recklssnss" refers to a run-time switch which controls consistency
checking in function calls.  Pardon the abbreviation; I wanted it
to fit the format of the chart.  "Block compiled" means that TAK was
made a local function using LABELS so that calls would be compiled
as direct jumps.

The timings were obtained by running a loop which computed
(tak 18 12 6) ten times and dividing elapsed (wall) time by ten.

The 750 was running Unix; the 780 was running VMS.


Date: 11 Feb 84 17:54:24 EST
From: John <Roach@RUTGERS.ARPA>
Subject: Timings of LISPs and Machines

I dug up these timings, they are a little bit out of date but seem a little
more informative.  They were done by Dick Gabriel at SU-AI in 1982 and passed
along by Chuck Hedrick at Rutgers.  Some of the times have been updated to
reflect current machines by myself.  These have been marked with the
date of 1984.  All machines were measured using the function -

an almost Takeuchi function as defined by John McCarthy

(defun tak (x y z)
       (cond ((not (< y x))
             (t (tak (tak (1- x) y z)
                     (tak (1- y) z x)
                     (tak (1- z) x y)))))


(tak 18. 12. 6.)

On 11/750 in Franz ordinary arith     19.9   seconds compiled
On 11/780 in Franz with (nfc)(TAKF)   15.8   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On Rutgers-20 in Interlisp/1984       13.8   seconds compiled
On 11/780 in Franz (nfc)               8.4   seconds compiled   (KIM time)
On 11/780 in Franz (nfc)               8.35  seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On 11/780 in Franz with (ffc)(TAKF)    7.5   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On 11/750 in PSL, generic arith        7.1   seconds compiled
On MC (KL) in MacLisp (TAKF)           5.9   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On Dolphin in InterLisp/1984           4.81  seconds compiled
On Vax 11/780 in InterLisp (load = 0)  4.24  seconds compiled
On Foonly F2 in MacLisp                4.1   seconds compiled
On Apollo (MC68000) PASCAL             3.8   seconds            (extra waits?)
On 11/750 in Franz, Fixnum arith       3.6   seconds compiled
On MIT CADR in ZetaLisp                3.16  seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On MIT CADR in ZetaLisp                3.1   seconds compiled   (ROD time)
On MIT CADR in ZetaLisp (TAKF)         3.1   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On Apollo (MC68000) PSL SYSLISP        2.93  seconds compiled
On 11/780 in NIL (TAKF)                2.8   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On 11/780 in NIL                       2.7   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On 11/750 in C                         2.4   seconds
On Rutgers-20 in Interlisp/Block/84    2.225 seconds compiled
On 11/780 in Franz (ffc)               2.13  seconds compiled   (KIM time)
On 11/780 (Diablo) in Franz (ffc)      2.1   seconds compiled   (VRP time)
On 11/780 in Franz (ffc)               2.1   seconds compiled   (GJC time)
On 68000 in C                          1.9   seconds
On Utah-20 in PSL Generic arith        1.672 seconds compiled
On Dandelion in Interlisp/1984         1.65  seconds compiled
On 11/750 in PSL INUM arith            1.4   seconds compiled
On 11/780 (Diablo) in C                1.35  seconds
On 11/780 in Franz (lfc)               1.13  seconds compiled   (KIM time)
On UTAH-20 in Lisp 1.6                 1.1   seconds compiled
On UTAH-20 in PSL Inum arith           1.077 seconds compiled
On Rutgers-20 in Elisp                 1.063 seconds compiled
On Rutgers-20 in R/UCI lisp             .969 seconds compiled
On SAIL (KL) in MacLisp                 .832 seconds compiled
On SAIL in bummed MacLisp               .795 seconds compiled
On MC (KL) in MacLisp (TAKF,dcl)        .789 seconds compiled
On 68000 in machine language            .7   seconds
On MC (KL) in MacLisp (dcl)             .677 seconds compiled
On SAIL in bummed MacLisp (dcl)         .616 seconds compiled
On SAIL (KL) in MacLisp (dcl)           .564 seconds compiled
On Dorado in InterLisp Jan 1982 (tr)    .53  seconds compiled
On UTAH-20 in SYSLISP arith             .526 seconds compiled
On SAIL in machine language             .255 seconds (wholine)
On SAIL in machine language             .184 seconds (ebox-doesn't include mem)
On SCORE (2060) in machine language     .162 seconds (ebox)
On S-1 Mark I in machine language       .114 seconds (ebox & ibox)

I would be interested if people who had these machines/languages available
could update some of the timings.  There also isn't any timings for Symbolics
or LMI.
