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Re: Plan Comments

    Date: Mon, 9 May 88 11:38 EDT
    From: David A. Moon <Moon@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM>

	Date: 07 May 88  1106 PDT
	From: Dick Gabriel <RPG@SAIL.Stanford.EDU>

	FIND-CLASS will take 1 required and two optional arguments, the first
	optional (errorp) will default to t.

	I had understood the proposal to be to flush remove-method. I've modified
	the plan adding an eigth step:

	8. get-method => find-method. 
	   (setf (find-method ...) ...) works. Remove-method remains.

	Is this right?

    Right or wrong depending on how your step 8 is disambiguated.  My understanding
    is that (setf find-method) calls add-method if its first argument is a method
    and calls remove-method if its first argument is nil, and that both add-method
    and remove-method remain in chapter 2.

I think that trying to make setf of find-method work is a bad idea.  We
already have add-method and remove-method, they work, and are clear.  I
think we are just going to end up with a kludgey sort of interface to
them if we try to make setf of find-method work.

Lets leave this out of the current draft.  This kind of last minute
change which no one has a chance to think about carefully is not a good