CLIM mail archive


*application-frame* binding inside an accepting-values

The following refers to
 CLIM                           27.5  (ECO level 1)
 CLIM Demo                      27.0
 CLIM Documentation             31.0
as shipped with Genera 8.1.1

I noticed that the special variable *application-frame* inside
an accepting-values, which itself is an application frame, is bound to 
this application. This only becomes visible, when being also inside an accept method.
(define-presentation-type dummy ())
(define-presentation-method accept ((type dummy) stream (view textual-view) &key)
  (print *application-frame* stream))
(accepting-values () (accept 'dummy :default NIL))

However, I doubt that this is the right way, because it should be invisble
to the clim user that avv is a separate application.

The real problem is, that I cannot access MY application frame via
*application-frame* anymore when I'm inside such an accept method nested in an AVV.

Should this be corrected, or is this already corrected?


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