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Bugs in clim:accepting-values window

I am using CLIM 1.0 on Allegro CL 4.1.beta.0 [Sun4; R1] (2/24/92 12:57).

1.  No horizontal scroll bar on AVV window.  This is a little annoying
if you have a big display (or a little screen).

2.  "<abort> aborts, <end> uses these values"  is a most confusing thing
to print on the AVV frame when those keys aren't on your keyboard.
Indeed, as far as I can tell, there are no keyboard accellerators for
those two operations when your keyboard doesn't have those two keys.
How about "<control-D> aborts, <control-Z> uses these values".

As a further feature for clim 2.0 (3.0?), I'd like to see the exit message
displayed using a method that can be customized by application code.
Suppose I want my exit boxes to be graphical, like on the MacIntosh:
    -------   ----------
   | Done |   | Cancel |
    -------   ----------

Then I might define a subclass of the avv frame and pass it into accepting-values.

(defclass my-avv-frame (clim:avv-frame) () )

(defmethod clim:avv-display-exit-boxes ((frame my-avv-frame) stream)
   ... my code ...

(accepting-values (t :own-window t :frame-class 'my-avv-frame)
   ... more code...

Just a suggestion.

jeff morrill


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