CLIM mail archive


CLIM windows and xlib resources

Those of you using CLIM 1.1 under X Windows may be interested in this.

After making a frame but before calling clim:run-frame-top-level to
expose it, it is useful to perform the following operation on the frame:

(let ((xwin (slot-value (clim:frame-top-level-window frame) 'clim::window)))
   (xlib:set-wm-class xwin "clim" "clim"))

1.  The UNIX command xprop may finally be used to see that indeed it is
    a clim window.

2.  One may add lines to a resources file (such as .Xdefaults) to control
    what the window manager does with clim windows:

    olwm.MinimalDecor: clim

3.  Having a WM_CLASS attribute, it is easy to write standard XLIB
    calls in C that do interesting things to CLIM windows.  We have
    one that changes the mouse cursor of clim windows to a wristwatch
    during GC operations.


jeff morrill

p.s. Can the CLIM developers add this in for the next release?


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