CLIM mail archive


Re: window coord. & print text

 Does anyone know how to do the following:

  1. Create a CLIM window with coord (0,0) at the bottom left corner with Y 
     going up instead of at the top left corner?

  2. How to print text side ways?

1. See documentation p.110-112 and with-room-for-graphics macro.

2. On Sun Allegro 4.01 under CLIM 1.0 there are two undocumented functions
   draw-string* and draw-vertical-string*. I don't know if they are available on other
   implemetations of CLIM, but although a little bit strange they worked fine on SUN.


Ralph Hensel                            
German National Research Center for Computer Science (GMD-FIT.KI)
P.O. Box 1316, D-5205 Sankt Augustin, Germany fax:+49-2241-14-2889 phone:+49-2241-14-1


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