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clim 2.0 color dialog code

    Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1992 20:00 EDT
    From: Philip Chu-Summer 92 <>

    This is my first cut at CLIM 2.0 code (and, as yet, still one of my
    early uses of any version of CLIM). It consists of color dialogs that
    have sliders to change the color components. The calling form is
    (CHOOSE-COLOR mode) where mode is one of :RGB or :GRAY. (I had started
    to add :IHS as option, but I found that COLOR-IHS couldn't extract
    components from non-ihs colors, a bug I've reported to Franz).

    I've only run this with Franz ACL and Motif, so I don't have any idea how
    it looks on other setups. I'd appreciate anyone giving the code a look-over
    and some feedback. In particular, is DEFINE-APPLICATION-FRAME an
    appropriate way to define dialogs that are used as part of a larger
    application? Am I defining the callbacks in an appropriate manner?

By coincidence, I had literally just started writing a little "color
editor" demo when this message came in.  This is what I came up with.

There are a few things to notice:
 - the slightly different callback function for the Exit button
 - the way the RGB sliders are linked to the IHS sliders
 - different way of painting the color swatch, which is lower overhead
   than changing the medium backgound of the display pane
 - use of the PANE-FRAME function rather than *APPLICATION-FRAME*

Note that you seem not have a complete implementation of COLOR-RGB and
COLOR-IHS -- I just did those recently.  Also, I had to fix a bug in
WINDOW-VIEWPORT for panes that do not have scrollbars.

;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-DEMO; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-

(in-package :clim-demo)

"Copyright (c) 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved."

(define-application-frame color-chooser ()
    ((color :accessor color :initform +black+)
     red blue green
     intensity hue saturation)
  (:menu-bar nil)
    (display :application
	     :scroll-bars nil
	     :display-function 'display-color
	     ;; Make sure we don't have a useless cursor blinking away...
	     :initial-cursor-visibility nil)
    (exit push-button 
	  :label "Exit"
	  :activate-callback #'(lambda (button)
				 (frame-exit (pane-frame button))))
    (rgb (with-slots (red green blue) *application-frame*
	   (outlining ()
	     (horizontally ()
	       (setq red (make-pane 'slider
			   :label "Red" :foreground +red+
			   :orientation :vertical
			   :min-value 0.0 :max-value 1.0 
			   :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
			   :client 'color :id 'red))
	       (setq green (make-pane 'slider
			     :label "Green" :foreground +green+
			     :orientation :vertical
			     :min-value 0.0 :max-value 1.0 
			     :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
			     :client 'color :id 'green))
	       (setq blue (make-pane 'slider
			    :label "Blue" :foreground +blue+
			    :orientation :vertical
			    :min-value 0.0 :max-value 1.0 
			    :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
			    :client 'color :id 'blue))))))
    (ihs (with-slots (intensity hue saturation) *application-frame*
	   (outlining ()
	     (horizontally ()
	       (setq intensity (make-pane 'slider
				 :label "Intensity"
				 :orientation :vertical
				 :min-value 0.0 :max-value (sqrt 3)
				 :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
				 :client 'color :id 'intensity))
	       (setq hue (make-pane 'slider
			   :label "Hue"
			   :orientation :vertical
			   :min-value 0.0 :max-value 1.0 
			   :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
			   :client 'color :id 'hue))
	       (setq saturation (make-pane 'slider
				  :label "Saturation"
				  :orientation :vertical
				  :min-value 0.0 :max-value 1.0 
				  :show-value-p t :decimal-places 3
				  :client 'color :id 'saturation)))))))
      (horizontally ()
	(outlining ()
	  (vertically () display exit))
	rgb ihs))))

(defmethod display-color ((frame color-chooser) stream)
  (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) (window-viewport stream)
    (with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil)
      (draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
		       :filled t :ink (color frame)))))

(defmacro define-rgb-callbacks (color)
  (check-type color (member red green blue))
  (let* ((rgb '(red green blue))
	 (new-rgb (substitute 'value color rgb)))
       (defmethod value-changed-callback
		  ((slider slider) (client (eql 'color)) (id (eql ',color)) value)
	 (let ((frame (pane-frame slider)))
	   (multiple-value-bind (,@rgb) (color-rgb (color frame))
	     (declare (ignore ,color))
	     (setf (color frame) (make-rgb-color ,@new-rgb)))
	   (update-ihs frame)))
       (defmethod drag-callback
		  ((slider slider) (client (eql 'color)) (id (eql ',color)) value)
	 (let ((frame (pane-frame slider)))
	   (multiple-value-bind (,@rgb) (color-rgb (color frame))
	     (declare (ignore ,color))
	     (setf (color frame) (make-rgb-color ,@new-rgb)))
	   (update-ihs frame))))))

(define-rgb-callbacks red)
(define-rgb-callbacks green)
(define-rgb-callbacks blue)

(defmethod update-ihs ((frame color-chooser))
  (with-slots (intensity hue saturation) frame
    (multiple-value-bind (ii hh ss) (color-ihs (color frame))
      (setf (gadget-value intensity :invoke-callback nil) ii)
      (setf (gadget-value hue :invoke-callback nil) hh)
      (setf (gadget-value saturation :invoke-callback nil) ss))))

(defmacro define-ihs-callbacks (color)
  (check-type color (member intensity hue saturation))
  (let* ((ihs '(intensity hue saturation))
	 (new-ihs (substitute 'value color ihs)))
       (defmethod value-changed-callback
		  ((slider slider) (client (eql 'color)) (id (eql ',color)) value)
	 (let ((frame (pane-frame slider)))
	   (multiple-value-bind (,@ihs) (color-ihs (color frame))
	     (declare (ignore ,color))
	     (setf (color frame) (make-ihs-color ,@new-ihs)))
	   (update-rgb frame)))
       (defmethod drag-callback
		  ((slider slider) (client (eql 'color)) (id (eql ',color)) value)
	 (let ((frame (pane-frame slider)))
	   (multiple-value-bind (,@ihs) (color-ihs (color frame))
	     (declare (ignore ,color))
	     (setf (color frame) (make-ihs-color ,@new-ihs)))
	   (update-rgb frame))))))

(define-ihs-callbacks intensity)
(define-ihs-callbacks hue)
(define-ihs-callbacks saturation)

(defmethod update-rgb ((frame color-chooser))
  (with-slots (red green blue) frame
    (multiple-value-bind (rr gg bb) (color-rgb (color frame))
      (setf (gadget-value red :invoke-callback nil) rr)
      (setf (gadget-value green :invoke-callback nil) gg)
      (setf (gadget-value blue :invoke-callback nil) bb))))

(defmethod value-changed-callback :after ((slider slider) (client (eql 'color)) id value)
  (declare (ignore id value))
  (redisplay-frame-pane (pane-frame slider) 'display))

(defvar *color-choosers* nil)

(defun do-color-chooser (&key (port (find-port)) (force nil))
  (let* ((framem (find-frame-manager :port port))
	   (let* ((entry (assoc port *color-choosers*))
		  (frame (cdr entry)))
	     (when (or force (null frame))
	       (setq frame (make-application-frame 'color-chooser
						   :frame-manager framem)))
	     (if entry 
		 (setf (cdr entry) frame)
		 (push (cons port frame) *color-choosers*))
    (run-frame-top-level frame)
    (color frame)))

(define-demo "Color Chooser" do-color-chooser)

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