CLIM mail archive
Pane management in clim 2
Reply-To: jmorrill@BBN.COM
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 92 13:52:06 -0400
From: Jeff Morrill <jmorrill@BBN.COM>
I am having a little trouble translating your bboard code into clim 2.
Perhaps you could give me a few clues. The spec is my only guide,
and it hasn't been much help.
Well, I don't have access to your Allegro CLIM 2.0 alpha, so you
should probably appeal directly to Franz.
Although open-window-stream works in clim 2.0.alpha, it gave me something
that had no applicable method for WINDOW-EXPOSE. So I want to know
how to make a pane, parent it, size it, position it, and expose it.
Some things to try: If you want a bunch of separate "top level"
windows, you should define a frame with one main pane, and then make
multiple instances of it. If you want "bulletin board" layout of
panes within a frame, first see if there is a bulletin board layout
pane. If not, you can probably define one with COMPOSE-SPACE and
ALLOCATE-SPACE methods that don't descend into the inferiors. You can
then use MOVE-SHEET and RESIZE-SHEET to explicitly position the
inferior panes.
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