CLIM mail archive



    Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 17:37 EDT
    From: Brian Anderson 234-0878 <>

    ACL 4.2beta2
    Sun Sparc

    Having watched the small discussion on "temporary" application panes
    brought to mind something that I have wanted to implement for some
    time.  What I want is the ability to execute a body of code in an
    environment such that output to a stream is placed in a "popup" dialog
    box.  This dialog box would have a "Dismiss" button and a pane to view
    the output in.  This might be presented to the programmer in a way
    similar to CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES (and maybe implemented in a similar
    matter).  For example:

      (with-output-to-popup (stream)
	(format stream "Hello world"))

    This would popup an application frame, size it according to the
    output on stream, place it over the calling frame, "attach" it to the
    calling frame (like CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES) so that if one brings the
    calling frame to the foreground, the popup appears on top, and waits
    for the user to hit the "Dismiss" button.  Gee, maybe I should just
    use CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES or specialize my application frame off of
    CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES does to call it.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

I would just use CLIM:ACCEPTING-VALUES with :OWN-WINDOW T and
:EXIT-BOXES '((:EXIT "Dismiss")).  For example,

  (clim:accepting-values (s :own-window t 
			    :exit-boxes '((:exit "Dismiss")))
    (format s "Your message here"))


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