CLIM mail archive


Re: multiple-color drawing...

    Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 09:20 EST

	    Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 10:20 EST
	    But how can I use SURROUNDING-OUTPUT-WITH-BORDER to do the trick of drawing a 
	    filled (and opaque) background rectangle *behind* the surrounded stuff?
	    ;;; - Stefan Bernemann   (
	I may be missing a critical part of this discussion, but I believe that
	surrounding-output-with-border DOES arrange to draw the border `behind'
	the surrounded stuff.  The source even anounces that it is kludged to
	make that so.
	Further, surrounding-output--- accepts drawing options so that you can
	specify :filled t and whatever ink.  
	For example, the following does something like what I'm thinking you
	want [It's on a lispm where black text on white is default.  This
	puts white text on a black rectangular background of appropriate size]. 
	  (let ((s *standard-output*))
	    (with-room-for-graphics (s)
	      (surrounding-output-with-border (s :shape :rectangle :filled t)
		(with-drawing-options (s :ink +white+)
		  (format s "Hello!!!")))))
    OOps - It seems that I dont have the hottest documentation on that. I think
    that under CLIM 1.1 it draw only 'over' the surrounded stuff(?). 

Correct.  Only CLIM 2.0 is careful to draw behind the object.

								     My documentation
    (I'm using Lucid 2.0b) and my version of the specification dont say anything
    about this topic. What about these additional parameters (like :filled)?
    Can I use my own parameters when I define my own border type? (Oh yes, is 
    there a parameter option that makes SURROUNDING-OUTPUT-WITH-BORDER draw 'over'
    its body?)

There is no such parameter, sorry.

    Stefan Bernemann                     Tel.: +49-231-9743-139
    FhG IML                              Fax:  +49-213-9743-234
    Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 2-4       email:
    D44227 Dortmund


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