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Re: problems with 1.1 output records under incremental redisplay

On Mon, 14 Feb 1994, Daniel D Suthers wrote:

> CLIM 1.1, Lucid 4.something
> We are experiencing a number of problems with incremental redisplay,
> some of which are tempting us to rewrite functionality which the CLIM
> bill of sale says we were supposed to get.  Could Lucid please check
> these against your record of known bugs & patches and send us any
> relevant patches.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Improper redisplay of overlapping or "linked" output records:
> Context: graphical output records that overlap or link, for example: 
>          ---------------                 --------------------
>          | A           |                 | B                |
>          |   -----     |                 |   ----------     |
>          |   | C |     |--------L--------|   | D      |     |
>          |   -----     |                 |   ----------     |
>          ---------------                 --------------------
> (There are 5 presentations, one for each of A, B, C, D, and L. L is a
> line that links the outer boxes.)
> Problem: If we move one of the boxes (A or B), the other box is not
> updated and its contents are not visible. For example, if you move A,
> then D disappears; if you then move B, D will reappear but C will
> disappear! This only happens when another output record, L, overlaps
> them. We get similar problems with two boxes that overlap at a corner.
> This problem did not occur before we started using incremental
> redisplay. (Same for everything below.)

Same thing happened to me.  The individual output records are sorted in
coordinate order.  The drawing order is not preserved, so when redrawing
occurs the occlusion stack is fouled up.

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