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- To: clisp-list@ma2s2.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de
- From: Frank Gleason <frankg@halcyon.halcyon.com>
- Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1993 13:20:00 -0800
>>Frank Gleason wrote:
>> When I try to compile and run CLX I get errors because I don't
>> have a set of functions (module?) that begin with system::.
>> I'm using clisp on Linux, I think the version is 2.6, and
>> pcl+clx.sept92f.
>Symbols beginning with system:: are located in the system package
>(and can be variables, functions or just unbound symbols).
>I can't see any reference to the system package in my sources of
>CLX that are not conditionalized for lisp dialects that actually
>have the system package. Could you be more specific on what error
>message you get ?
>Are you using the packages specially adapted to clisp (to be found
>at the usual place in Karlsruhe) or the original sources ?
I should have done this in the first message you are right.
I got the file pcl+clx.sept92f.clisp.tar.Z from gatekeeper.dec.com.
Clisp seems to be installed correctly (I installed and ran maxima).
I am not at my machine with clisp so I can't copy the message exactly
but here is the code segments that are the problem. Grepping for
any of these (ie: grep big-endian *) in the clisp source comes up empty.
depdefs.lsp line 172
(eval-when (compile eval load)
(unless system::*big-endian* (pushnew :clx-little-endian *features*))
dependent.lsp line 1430
(defun open-x-stream (host display protocol)
protocol ;; unused
(let ((stream (system::make-socket-stream host display)))
(if (streamp stream)
(error "Cannot connect to server: ~A:~D" host display))))
dependent.lsp line 1591
(defun buffer-read-default (display vector start end timeout)
(declare (type display display)
(type buffer-bytes vector)
(type array-index start end)
(type (or null fixnum) timeout))
(let ((stream (display-input-stream display)))
(cond ((and (eql timeout 0) (not (listen stream))) :timeout)
(t (system::read-n-bytes stream vector start (- end start)) nil)
) ) )
dependent.lsp line 1721
(defun buffer-write-default (vector display start end)
(declare (type buffer-bytes vector)
(type display display)
(type array-index start end))
(system::write-n-bytes (display-output-stream display) vector start (- end start))
dependent.lsp line 2619
(defun resources-pathname ()
(when #+(or unix mach) t
#-(or unix mach) (search "Unix" (software-type) :test #'char-equal)
(or #+(or excl CLISP (and lcl3.0 (not vax-vms)) CMU)
(let ((string #-CMU (#+excl sys:getenv #+CLISP system::getenv
#+lcl3.0 lcl:environment-variable
(cdr (assoc :xenvironment ext:*environment-list*))))
(when string
(pathname string)))
(concatenate 'simple-string ".Xdefaults-"
#+excl (short-site-name)
#-excl (machine-instance)))))))