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Re: [Q] lisp-file-types definition

On Wed, 27 Sep 1995, Matthias Fischmann wrote:

> 	I have trouble with the following code. 
> (defconstant lisp-file-types
[... snip]

This looks like it was taken from the UC defsystem package.  Here's my 
version, which seems to be very happy with CLISP:

(defconstant lisp-file-types
  #+(and clisp dos) '(("LSP" "LIS") "FAS")
  #+(and clisp (not dos)) '(("lsp" "lisp") "fas")
  ;; Thanks to PCL for providing all this info
  #+(and Genera imach)             '("lisp" 		"ibin")
  #+(and Genera (not imach))       '("lisp" 		"bin")
  #+CLOE-Runtime		   '("l"		"fas")
  #+(and dec common vax (not ultrix)) '("LSP"		"FAS")
  #+(and dec common vax ultrix)       '("lsp"		"fas")
  #+KCL                               '("lsp"		"o")
  #+xerox                             '(("lisp" "cl" "")"dfasl")
  #+(and lucid MC68000)		      '(("lisp" "cl")	"lbin")
  #+(and lucid VMS)		      '(("lisp" "cl")	"vbin")
  #+(and lucid SPARC)		      '(("lisp" "cl")	"sbin")
  #+ALLEGRO                           '(("lisp" "cl")	"fasl")
  #+MCL                                '(""             "fasl")
  #+ibcl                              '(("lisp" "lsp")  "o")
  #+lispworks                         '("lisp"          "wfasl")
 ; #+system::cmu                       '("slisp"		"sfasl")
  #+prime                             '("lisp"		"pbin")
  #+hp                                '("l"		"b")
  #+TI                                '("lisp"		"xfasl"))

I also have the necessary externalize-directory and internalize-directory 
functions if anyone is interested.

                        ==> Randy Calistri-Yeh <==
Manager, AI Group		             email: randy@oracorp.com
Odyssey Research Associates                  http://www.oracorp.com/ai/randy
301 Dates Dr.                                tel: (607) 277-2020
Ithaca, NY 14850-1326                        fax: (607) 277-3206