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Spanish version of CLisp
Carlos Linares writes:
> 20. What's a handler frame? How to translate "handler frame for
> conditions"?
"condition handler" is CLtL2 Chap. 29 vocabular. Instead of
conditions, you may investigate how "exceptions" are translated in the
spanish press and maybe use that term.
> 21. There are a few messages which begin with "~ from ~". They are
Look in io.d:
{ pushSTACK(*stream_); # Wert fu:r Slot STREAM von STREAM-ERROR
pushSTACK(ch); # Character
pushSTACK(*stream_); # Stream
//: DEUTSCH "~ von ~: Gelesenes Zeichen ist kein String-Char: ~"
//: ENGLISH "~ from ~: character read should be a string-char: ~"
//: FRANCAIS "~ de ~ : le caracte!re lu n'est pas de type STRING-CHAR."
The first ~ is the function name, the second the stream that was being
read from or written to and the third is the character that was read/written.
So it says something like "READ from #<STREAM ...>: illegal character"
> DEUTSCH "Block-Frame "
> FRANCAIS "_frame_ BLOCK "
> DEUTSCH "Catch-Frame f_r Tag "
> FRANCAIS "_frame_ CATCH pour l'_tiquette "
> .., it seems the french translation plays with the reserved word
> "CATCH" and with the untranslated word: "frame".
> In fact, there are other messages where "frame" or "tagbody" are used
> and they are quite difficult to translate:
I didn't translate either BLOCK, CATCH, TAGBODY or UNWIND-PROTECT in
french as those are the names of the Lisp special forms related to
these messages. I would have liked to translate FRAME, that's why I
put it in <>, as it's not a Common Lisp term and designates the
structure that CLISP puts on the Lisp stack.
Jo"rg Ho"hle.
Joerg.Hoehle@gmd.de http://zeus.gmd.de/~hoehle/amiga-clisp.html