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Here's the deal on Vaxyma:
- To: franz-friends at MIT-MC
- Subject: Here's the deal on Vaxyma:
- From: SHRAGE at WHARTON-10 (Jeffrey Shrager)
- Date: Thu, 4 Jun 81 05:12:00 GMT
- Original-date: 4 Jun 1981 (Thursday) 0112-EDT
I spoke to JM this afternoon and the method of obtaining Vaxyma is as follows:
1) Obtain a license agreement from LCS for Vaxyma. Write to
Professor Joel Moses
The Laboratory for Computer Science
545 Tech Square.
Cambridge, Mass.
2) Have the agreement reviewed by you university counsel and sign it and
return it.
They send you a tape, I assume. Price: Vaxyma is free to universities (I
did not get figures for businesses) but (and here's the catch) you MUST pay
a $2000/yr. support fee which includes software support and consulting.
If you just have some differentials to run a better idea is to get a multics
accound for a mere $4/hr line time by calling the multics admin people at
-- May all your series converge.